
18 Southeast Asian Instagram Influencers You Should Follow

18 Southeast Asian Instagram Influencers You Should Follow

The Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia is considered as one of the best tourism boards in Southeast Asia. Why, you may ask? They gather the best breed of artists to come to Indonesia and showcase its beauty. Not only that they have the resources for it but they are composed of travel experts painstakingly screening a long list of influencers from the hundreds of individuals who wanted to visit the wonderful country of Indonesia.

Two months ago, 18 Southeast Asian Instagram Influencers who cull inspiring achievements made it to the cut. We don’t see a lot of Asian talent being featured when in fact, this region has the most number of inspiring and creative people who are making a lasting contribution to make Instagram a beautiful world to exist in. 

Inspiration, let alone Instagram have many different faces, lives, achievements - big or small. And here are the 18 Southeast Asian Instagram inspirators for your travel.

  1. KENNETH SURAT, Philippines

In a group of 45 influencers who made it to the cut, Kenneth bagged the title “Mr. Congeniality” as he became everyone’s favourite in the Trip of Wonders league. An architect by profession, a designer by passion and a traveler by choice, Kenneth chronicles his passion about traveling and chasing different kinds of adventures. In his blog #iKen, he collects inspirations that will push him to book a ticket and become a story teller.


You will never think a person as quiet as Govit is funny af. The only delegate from Thailand, everyone has been very fond of him because of his witty remarks. Currently based in Chiang Mai, he is the Co-Founder and Content Manager of Review Chiang Mai, a blog written in Thai, that highlights the best in food, accommodations and tourism in Chiang Mai. His personal blog is called itong2go, where he writes about travel guides picked up from his greatest trips around Asia.


3. UCITA POHAN, Indonesia

In a social media world that became a breeding ground for ignorance targeting plus size women, Ucita is one of the strongest women who is an epitome of real beauty and confidence. She is fearless, funny, beautiful and has been the voice of many women who are not confident enough to face Internet bullying. Over 30,000 followers on Instagram, Ucit, as her close friends call her has so many beautiful photographs that are massively outpouring with so much love and power that’s so infectious. Check out her website:


4. WILLIAM TAN, Singapore

A great leader, a person who can work under pressure and thinks on his feet, William is also a Trip of Wonders favourite. His blog, Only William is an award winning lifestyle blog in Singapore where he writes about events, food, travel, fashion, entertainment, technology and more. In an impeccable and fancy city such as Singapore, William soars high as a true blue socialite. 



Pojie. That’s what his friends call him the cleanest, prettiest, neat looking boy you will ever meet. Currently based in Kuala Lumpur, he is a Lifestyle Blogger who writes at his humble space, Pojiegraphy with the hopes of bringing some good information to his readers and followers. His blog has been nominated as the “Best Travel Blog” two years in a row in the Malaysia Social Media Week. The pretty boy has also been featured in local magazines such as Yezz!, Utusan Malaysia, Harian Metro and Libur. 


6. TRISHA VELARMINO, Philippines

Another Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia favourite, Trisha worked with the Wonderful Indonesia Campaign for 2 years. She is a writer, editor, producer, Girl Rising Ambassador and a friend to amazing women. Trisha is very active in women’s and girls’ rights in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. In her blog, P.S. I’m on my way, she writes about things she learned on the road while traveling - on what it feels like to eat, cook, speak and sleep in another culture that isn’t hers. She is always, every hour of the day, all the time on Snapchat: psimonmyway


7. TINO RENATO, Indonesia

Often spotted chasing Pokemons in the wonderful islands of Indonesia (on a bike, even!), Tino is one of the big Instagram masters of Southeast Asia. His feed is minimal, clean, elegant and pleasing to look at. Beaches, waters, plants, greens, whites - take a break from the ugly Kardashian nonsense and check out Tino’s calming feed. And oh, if you are an aspiring ‘flatlayer,’ he is your man. He is the Obi Wan Kenobi of Instagram and he will teach you the ways of a flatlay Jedi. 


 8. GOH GUO HUA (”JEREMY”), Singapore

Talent is God-given. Humility? Well, it’s Jeremy’s unique gift. In his Instagram, you will never see pictures of him. In fact, the one above is the only picture he has in this trip, thanks to Kama! Jeremy is not one of those people who are so obsessed of themselves. A professional photographer at the famed Asia 361, he graphically tells stories that portray so much about life. Affectionately dubbed as “Golden Goh” since his schooling days, he seeks the meaning of life through travel and connections with everyone, with anyone.


9. KAREN KHO, Malaysia

She is everyone’s darling, a full-time fitness, travel and lifestyle blogger who is so addicted to everything fitness. In her blog,, she aspires and motivates her readers and followers to lead a healthy lifestyle. On most days, she reaches out to people who are struggling to find their balance in living a healthy and happy life. Additionally, Karen also runs an online boutique as fashion is also a big chunk of her passion. 


10. SARAH TIRONA, Philippines

Who would have thought that this 30-something is already 30-something and a mother to a beautiful 9-year old girl? Sarah is the life of the group. She is outrageously funny, always up for everything and always first in line whenever challenged. A culinary school graduate who’s always dreamt of becoming a writer, Sarah chronicles her travels, DIY, artistic endeavours and fashion/lifestyle tips at Fashion Eggplant


11. KAMA BTARA, Indonesia

Voted as the Southeast Asian Influencers’ most helpful and friendly, Kama is always there to lend a helping hand. As an Indonesian, he curates photos on his Instagram to be a better place to discover and share Indonesian travel inspiration. A professional photographer at Journesia, Kama’s photography will take you to different artistic dimensions that will definitely blow your mind. Our favourite? His portraits. He is very good in taking pictures of people. Go check his feed and see it for yourself!


12. KEITH YUEN, Singapore

The world is his office. Blessed with a Singaporean passport, Keith has visited over 70 countries in all the years he is traveling. He has so much love for his family, his friends and all the people who have supported him throughout his journey. His mighty blog Travel Inspiration 360 will give you a real picture on a life well lived. Aside from his passion for travel, Keith’s spiritual belief has also lead him to be one of the top influencers in Southeast Asia today. 


13. KELLY CHIN, Malaysia

Sweet, beautiful, outstanding. Kelly has successfully penetrated the big terrain of lifestyle blogging writing about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, food, travel, fitness, tech and entertainment. Whoa! That was a long list! At Sunshine Kelly, you will find all things lifestyle to survive the daily challenges of growing up and living a well-balanced lifestyle.


14. JELITO DE LEON, Philippines

No one have successfully curated the beauty of the Philippines as Jelito. He views his Instagram feed as a whole rather than looking at each photo as a single entity. There is so much art, beauty, strategy all at once! Brightness, contrast, warmth, saturation, crisp, shadows and highlights - Jelito is a true gram master who knows what he is doing in the Instagram business. In his blog,, you will learn about his personal ramblings, work and travels.



She is probably the cutest announcer at 101.4 TraxFMJakarta. Born and raised in Bandung, the fashion (and cheap shopping) capital of Indonesia, Cia has this unique style bordering hipster, classic 1920’s fashion, rich Russian in fur. She is a certified vlogger and you should definitely check out her video blogs on her YouTube Channel, mostly showcasing lifestyle and the outstanding beauty of traveling in Indonesia.


16. KHANG WEE LEONG, Singapore

To complete the pack of the Singaporean Instagram Influencers, Leong is a lifestyle, technology, travel, food, photography and fashion blogger contributing to the features of socialism in Singapore’s Internet success. Please, do not come to his Instagram feed unarmed: his food posts will make you walk to the nearest ice cream shop in the middle of the night. You’ve been warned.


17. NANA BWINCESS, Malaysia

One of the most successful fashion and lifestyle bloggers in the face of Malaysia, Nana has a prevalent taste that goes beyond clothes, shoes, accessories and hairstyle. In her blog, bwincessnana.comshe chronicles a pool of expressive fashion and life-changing travels that will contribute to the well-being of every reader, young and old.


18. SIGIT TRI WIBOWO, Indonesia

Last. Not the least. Most probably the greatest of them all, Sigit is a quiet young lad who chooses to be out of the spotlight. You know, the behind the scenes guy who sweep us on our feet when he presents his work. He is the brainchild of Folk Indonesia, another outstanding feed that curates Indonesian travel. 


Sumber : Huffington Post
Sumber Gambar :Huffington Post

Arifina Budi

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