
This Pink Beach Named as One of The Best Beach in The World

This Pink Beach Named as One of The Best Beach in The World

The Philippines is difficult to top when it comes to stunning beaches. Tourists and locals alike never run out of reasons to explore what our country has to offer, and National Geographic seems to be on the same boat. In fact, in the magazine's recently published 21 Best Beaches in the World list, Sta. Cruz Island in Zamboanga made the cut.


Dubbed aptly as the Pink Beach, Santa Cruz Island is covered in beautiful pink sand that results from all the crushed red organ pipe coral that washes ashore.  Pipe corals (Tubipora musica) that blend well with the sand making it look like color pink especially on broad daylight. If you walk along the beach, there’s a good chance that you’ll see these corals that are washed ashore.

Situated in Basilan Strait, just off the coast of the city proper and around four kilometers or merely 20 minutes boat ride from Paseo del Mar, are the twin islands of Sta. Cruz. The smaller one called Little Sta. Cruz is restricted to public because it is being used as a military camp while the bigger island, called Sta. Cruz Grande, is the one we usually see in photos as the famed pink sand beach of Zamboanga.


Because of its vast potential as a tourist spot, the local government of Zamboanga regulates its visitors. You need to coordinate with their tourist office to visit, and staying overnight is not allowed.


Thomas Benmetan

A Fulltime life-learner who lost himself into book, poem, Adventure, travelling, hiking, and social working. Graduated from Faculty of Communication Science, Petra Christian University. Currently More pursuing his career as a writer and traveller. Less
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