
The Reason Behind Philippines' Partnership with Alibaba

The Reason Behind Philippines' Partnership with Alibaba
Alibaba's Jack Ma with Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte © Rappler

The Philippines has invited Jack Ma and his Alibaba Group to partner with President Rodrigo Duterte in helping to improve technology for governance and to assist in building an inclusive financial system that would aid small businesses, quoted Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez as saying recently.

Source: Rappler
Source: Rappler

Ma, in a meeting with Philippine government officials in Hangzhou on Feb. 1, said the Philippines had huge potential to embrace the technology revolution because e-commerce was specifically designed for developing economies, according to a statement from the Philippine finance department.

Alibaba Group chairman Jack Ma shares a light moment with President Duterte | MALACANANG PHOTO
Alibaba Group chairman Jack Ma shares a light moment with President Duterte | MALACANANG PHOTO

Dominguez said Duterte was impressed with Ma when they met in Manila in November, and the Philippine leader issued instructions to pursue discussions with the technology entrepreneur to find common areas that Alibaba and the Philippine government could pursue together.

“I will report to the president that there are many elements here that we could use in the Philippines,” said Dominguez, who was with key government officials at Alibaba Business School’s Jan. 31 to Feb. 2 new economy workshop.
Source: Foreign Policy
Source: Foreign Policy
The insight from the training would help the Duterte administration understand how to optimize the use of technology to improve governance and prepare Filipinos for the future under a digital economy, Dominguez said.
Among issues discussed was how cloud computing and big data platforms could be applied -- from improving traffic flow and law enforcement to managing financial risks and heightening cybersecurity measures, he said.
Dominguez said a closer relationship between the Philippine government and Alibaba is among the ways of further cementing bilateral ties between the Philippines and China.

Source :Bloomberg Politics

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