Previously, Seasia had written on Top 15 Countries In Global Islamic Economy which shown few Southeast Asian nations really championing the rankings last year.
According to the same report titled The State of the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI) Report 2016/2017 by Thomson Reuters, there is another interesting finding that worth to be made known among us, the Southeast Asian people.
Extracting the report, the specific insights from millennials social media interactions on Modest Fashion was revealed.
The interesting part is a total of 108,000 Halal modest fashion related Facebook 'posts and comments' from the millennial age group (18-35 age group) are analysed.

In aggregate, herewith are top countries with the highest volume of millennial interactions in Modest Fashion by country.
Indonesia | 68.5k |
Malaysia | 5.3k |
Singapore | 1k |
Pakistan | 1.5k |
Taiwan | 1.5k |
Hong Kong | 1.2k |
Philippines | 1.2k |
United States | 1.1k |
Saudi Arabia | 900 |
Bangladesh | 700 |
India | 500 |
Nigeria | 500 |
United Kingdom | 400 |
Egypt | 400 |
France | 300 |
United Arab Emirates | 200 |
Based on this geography interactions, this shows the concentration of Modest Fashion activities among millennials in Indonesia.
High interactions in non-Muslim majority countries of Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines and United States is a reflection of the prominent interest from these markets in Modest Fashion category.

From the interactions that were able to be analyzed for sentiment across Modest Fashion interactions, an overwhelming 82 percent of millennial interactions were with positive sentiment, 12 percent were negative, and 6 percent were neutral.
The significant positive sentiment is a reflection of large and growing interest in hijab and Muslim modest fashion by millennials in the prominent countries of Indonesia and Malaysia especially.
Within the report, it also stated these following details:
↘ The most common terms and hashtags were: #hijab. (hijab in Arabic language), Muslim, Allah, Hijab, and #hijabers. It is obvious that the term hijab is central to millennials interactions around Modest Fashion
↘ Most of them related to the numerous hijab/ modest fashion ‘bloggers’ and experts promoting their various comments on Modest Fashion especially linked to hijabs
↘ Millennial women (65.4k/ 65 percent) dominate the millennial interactions around Modest Fashion with men representing only 24 percent (24.4k)
↘ In terms of sentiment, both male and female interactions were the same with men slightly more positive
Note: Thomson Reuters is the leading global provider of intelligent information to the leading decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property, science and media markets.
Source :Thomson Reuters Official Report