Singapore has just launched its first "cruise to nowhere" this November. The garden city's residences couldn't wait to board themselves to "nowhere" after months of stranded in their country after coronavirus lockdown. The passengers need to do coronavirus swab tests before allowed to board the cruise, which would only be filled at half capacity.

The cruise industry is one of the many industries which has taken the blow from coronavirus pandemic lockdown. This trip will only open for Singaporeans and will take just a few days sailing near the city.
There will be 1,400 passengers with electronic contact tracing devices to social distance themselves all the time. The usual self-serve buffet is removed, and the cruise has upgraded the facilities to support medical aids and isolation units.
Ang Sen Hock, 73, when asked whether he was afraid or not getting infected, claimed he was not afraid. He had booked another various trips this month.
"Not worried. Because earlier this year, I was also a passenger on this cruise ship and, coincidentally, there were two suspected cases," Ang said, "but we still boarded, and they had special measures."
Another passenger, Robert Gaxiolla, also voiced their desire to go outside of Singapore as soon as possible. “The idea of just getting out of Singapore, even just for a little bit, a few days, it’s really an attractive thing,”

The president of Dream Cruises, Michael Goh, said the crew had prepared to respond if there is any sign of infection.
"Passengers will be back into the cabin, and the ship will do a deep cleaning and sanitization. Within less than six hours, we can go back to Singapore."
Source : Marine Link