What is 5G?
5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity that promises much faster data download and upload speeds, broader coverage and a more stable connection. This network makes better use of the radio spectrum. It allows more devices to be able to access the mobile internet at the same time.

Is 5G different from 4G?
The answer is "Yes". 5G is an entirely new radio technology. However, initially, 5G will likely only be used by network operators as a way to increase capacity on existing 4G (LTE - Long-Term Evolution) networks, to ensure more consistent service for customers.
The speed that user gets will also depend on which spectrum band the operator uses to run the 5G technology and the number of funds the operator invests in new masts and transmitters.
Where has 5G Technology been Implemented?
The era of 5G mobile technology is beginning to be enjoyed in several countries. According to the General Services Administration (GSA) report: 38 countries with 5G networks as of August and many more have partially implemented 5G cellular technology. Its expected that 5G can reach 1 billion users in 3.5 years, compared to 4 years for 4G and 12 years for 3G.
South Korea is the country to build the first 5G network, and the country expected to continue to support the penetration of the technology that is being carried out. When it comes to 5G speeds, the country is currently beating Saudi Arabia, according to Open Signal.
North America, Europe and East Asia are at the forefront of 5G adoption, as our map shows. Investments in technologies are made in nearly every country in South and Southeast Asia and South America.

Source : statista.com, cnbcindonesia.com