
Cambodia Travel Requirements During Covid-19

Cambodia Travel Requirements During Covid-19
© Passport Health Global

Starting on May 20, 2020, Cambodia removed its travel restrictions, which had entered into force in March 2020, to avoid the inflow of COVID-19 cases into the country. The removal itself is because Cambodia has reported 304 cases and no deaths, an impressive achievement regarding that the much richer neighbors, such as Singapore and Indonesia, are among the highest prevalence in Asia. As a result of its active contact scanning policies and the early closing of its borders, the country has become one of the countries with the lowest cases of coronavirus outbreaks.

(© Travel Off Path)

Due to the spread of the coronavirus, Cambodia introduces strict requirements for the tourists who want to enter the country. All the tourists must follow the requisite to protect the country from the outbreak of viruses. Here is all the recent information you have to remember about the entrance requirements of COVID-19 for Cambodia :

COVID-19 Entrance Test Requirements

  • All tourists must submit a negative COVID-19 lab test approved less than 72 hours before departure.
  • Upon arrival, all tourists will receive another COVID-19 test.
  • If any participant of your team tests positive, the entire team will be quarantined at a nation facility for 14 days.

Koh Rong (© Travel Cambodia Online)

COVID-19 Entrance Fee Requirements

  • All arriving tourists must pay a US $2,000 deposit. This includes compulsory testing of COVID-19 and possible medical programs. These are government mandated fees in USD for the related treatment of COVID-19.
    $165 for mandatory testing of COVID-19.
    $1280 for potential government-run quarantine costs.
    $3,255 potential cost of treatment for Covid-19.

Quarantine Entrance Requirements

  • All arriving tourists who validate Negative for Covid-19 must be self-quaranted for 14 days.
  • All arriving tourists who validate Positive (including their group) for Covid-19 will be quarantined at their own expense in a nation facility/hotel.

COVID-19 Travel Insurance Entrance Requirements

  • All arriving tourists to Cambodia must purchase a Cambodian healthcare insurance package that covers the medication of COVID-19. The package must be 20 days long and cost around $90.

 (© Travel off path)

COVID-19 Visa Entrance Requirements

  • The e-visa and visa-on-arrival programs are currently being suspended.
    All tourists must submit a valid visa approved by the Cambodian Embassy or Consulate.
  • The Cambodian Embassies are not releasing tourism visas at this time.
    The only applications approved are diplomatic, official and "sponsored" business-linked visas.

Source : and

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