
Index of Excellence in STEM Education, Asia Pacific Ranking

Index of Excellence in STEM Education, Asia Pacific Ranking
Konstantin Kolosov/Pixabay

The nation's top achievers' scientific innovation fuels economic competitiveness. The nonprofit Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) has created an index of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education preparedness to provide insight into how well American pupils compare to those in other nations.

The CEE Index of Excellence in STEM Education assesses how well students are prepared academically for the highest levels of global competition. It compares overall Olympiad performance by nation, calculates averages and rankings by participating nation, and examines student performance at each of the five STEM-related Olympiad competitions.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

According to Center President Joann P. DiGennaro, "The index gives our policy-makers and educators a vital tool to measure how well our future generation of innovators compares to those in the rest of the globe." "The development of the Chinese economy has been associated with Chinese achievement at STEM Olympiads. Any review of how we train the next generation of leaders must include this instrument.

The index displays the following information based on the combined results of the International Olympiads in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, and Informatics:

- For the past 30 years, the People's Republic of China has dominated each of these events;

- The last two years' second and third-place finishes overall show that Team USA is improving;

- South Korea comes in second;

- Fourth place goes to the Russian Federation, a consistent top performer; and

- Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Iran won positions 5 through 10.

The index also reveals that over the past few decades, Asian nations have come to dominate the Olympiads, resulting in a drop in the performance of students from Europe.

Germany, for instance, was first in 1989, 1988, and 1982 but has since been knocked out of the top 30. Despite having a population that is just 1/8th that of Germany, Hungary still managed to place 20th, which is a decline from the first- or second-place honors it attained in the 1960s and the early 1970s.

Surprisingly, Singapore, a nation with a population of less than 6 million (less than half that of Hungary), was able to tie Vietnam for fifth spot.

A review of Team USA's results from 1993 to the present reveals a consistent rise in average ranking. The trend line depicts a change from roughly a sixth-place rating to second or third after China.

Part of the reason for this is the current emphasis on STEM education in the United States. Additionally, the fiercer rivalry in the global business has pushed students to excel in academic competition in order to stand out.

According to DiGennaro, "the government sponsors Olympiad programs in the majority of other nations, including training and other resources for teachers and students. However, this is not the case in the United States.

China is investing heavily in these competitions, and this might give China a substantial advantage outside of the Olympics. It's significant to highlight that China is spending a lot of money on R&D, which has decreased in Europe.

The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) is dedicated to supporting high school and college students' academic achievement and leadership in STEM professions. The USA Biolympiad, the nation's top biology contest for high school students, is held at CEE.



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