
Fun Fact: Asia Has More Than 80% of the World's Skyscrapers

Fun Fact: Asia Has More Than 80% of the World's Skyscrapers
Jason Goh/Pixabay

Compared to the rest of the globe combined, Asia has more skyscrapers. Asian nations have more high-rise buildings than any other region of the world. It is required because of the high population density in these nations.

Asia has by far the most skyscrapers of any continent, with over 7,500 total. Asia is home to more than 80% of the world's skyscrapers. Asian nations have more high-rise buildings than any other region of the world. It is required because of the high population density in these nations.

The metropolis of Shenzhen, located in the southern Guangdong province of China, has the greatest concentration of structures taller than 200 meters, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Southern China is where Shenzhen is situated.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

The first important high-rise in the city, with a height of more than 150 meters, was built in 1985. Since that time, 120 more skyscrapers have been built in the city, each of which is above 200 meters tall.

The city that follows Shenzhen in second place, with a total of 107 tall buildings, is Dubai, which is only 13 taller than Shenzhen.

The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building at about 828 meters, is located in the emirate's capital, which is something to be proud of.

With 92 skyscrapers that stand taller than 200 meters, New York is the only American city to rank among the top eight. London, in contrast, comes in at number 50 despite having 30 structures that are taller than 150 meters, 10 structures that are higher than 200 meters, and one one that is taller than 300 meters.

There aren't necessarily a lot of skyscrapers as a result, though. Although South Korea has just double Taiwan's population, it has more than ten times the number of skyscrapers, despite having a similar population density.

Although Taiwan has a lot of high-rise structures, only 64 of them are taller than 150 meters. The fact that Taiwan is an earthquake-prone nation also contributes.

With a staggering 3,448 towers, China has the most skyscrapers worldwide. In the province of Guangdong, there are 936 of them. Even though the United States (858) has the second-highest number of skyscrapers in the world, Guangdong has more of them.

Shenzhen, the city with the most skyscrapers in the world, is situated in the province of Guangdong. It has slightly more buildings than Hong Kong, which comes in second with 582 skyscrapers, with 586.

With 785 buildings, South Korea is third globally and second in Asia in terms of the number of skyscrapers. The majority of these are situated in the region northwest of the nation, close to Seoul and Incheon. Surprisingly, Incheon, not Seoul, is the South Korean city with the most skyscrapers.

In terms of the quantity of skyscrapers, Malaysia is likewise pretty high. With 370 buildings, Kuala Lumpur ranks third in Asia.

Dubai is home to the highest building in Asia and the entire world. It is the Burj Khalifa, which is 828 meters high (2,717 ft). Dubai has 278 towers, which places it fifth in Asia.

You could wonder, though, what really constitutes a skyscraper. There isn't a single definition of what a skyscraper is. A structure having an architectural height of at least 150 meters is among the definitions that are most frequently employed. This map uses the same definition.


Source: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 

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