
Vacation to Celebrate 2022 Over Soon, These Are The 6 Travel Trends to Look Out For Next Year

Vacation to Celebrate 2022 Over Soon, These Are The 6 Travel Trends to Look Out For Next Year

It's a nice time to think about the upcoming year and the goals we hope will materialize as 2022 draws to a conclusion.

Who knows what the future will bring—marriages, significant birthdays, graduations, or career changes—but perhaps it will be full of happy occasions and chances to travel.

People are choosing to travel whenever they can and wherever they can after the epidemic, and while people everywhere are feeling overwhelmingly more hopeful about traveling in 2023 than in 2022, reports that 66% of Britons think traveling will always be worthwhile.

The digital travel platform, aware of the mood shift, commissioned extensive research from more than 24,000 passengers in 32 countries and territories, merged it with its insights, and came up with the seven developing travel forecasts for 2023, which we have listed here for you.

‘Off-grid’ trips

Going off the grid will never be more popular than it will be in 2023. Prepare yourself with camouflaged cabins, bonfire food, and compasses. People are choosing "off-grid" style vacations to disconnect from reality (57%) and experience living with only the necessities (33%) after a turbulent few years that included natural disasters, political upheaval, and a pandemic.

As burnt-out city inhabitants seek out simplicity, more eco-friendly lodgings will likely emerge. These lodgings will also likely provide tips to visitors on how to become more independent.

‘Out of the comfort zone' travel

Forget about the traditional favorites; in 2023, tourists will be looking for unusual vacations that astonish, amaze, and delight.

In 2023, 40% of British tourists want to be fully culture-shocked, whether it is by visiting a place with entirely different cultural experiences and languages (47%) or by seeing lesser-known towns with undiscovered jewels (24%).

Nostalgic getaways

In 2023, nostalgic holidays (84%) that offer the pleasure of recreating the golden days will be at the top of the wish list for Brits seeking travel experiences amid global turmoil and the yearning for escape.

20% of UK travelers are seeking out experiences that evoke (faux) emotive memories of days gone by, such as visiting landmarks or attractions featured in iconic retro films or choosing a bus as their primary mode of transportation to relive the group spirit of school trips.

This desire to disappear into the romanticism of a pre-digital era is present even among millennials and Gen Zs who never experienced it.

Mindfulness holidays

Travel is expected to advance the concept of "mind, body, and soul" wellness in 2023. More people will be looking for mindfulness retreats in the coming year, with 29% of them hoping to find peace at a silent retreat and 33% eager to take a trip that focuses on mental health, transformative health, or helps with major life events like menopause or pregnancy.

Traveling for business

In 2023, business travel will once again be a priority. Contrary to business trips taken in the past (before Covid), employees are now looking for more chances to bond as a team outside of the workplace, which reflects a growing desire to combine professional travel with constructive play.

40% of the UK workforce would like to see their employer use the money saved from the transition to remote/hybrid working models spent on corporate travel or retreats. 32% of the UK workforce is looking forward to their employer organizing a "real life" work trip to bring employees together.

In response, 2023 will witness an increase in company retreats held in popular locations where the emphasis will be on fostering relationships and having fun as a group rather than working. Employers will make the retreat experience interactive and submerge personnel in a setting where cooperation among teammates is required.

Budget-conscious holidays

Travelers will continue to prioritize travel in 2023 against the backdrop of uncertainty in the world economy, but they will be more aware of how to maximize their travel money and prioritize their priorities.

People will continue to prioritize carefree trips at the top of their to-do lists; according to 44% of UK tourists, taking a vacation is still a top priority. Budget awareness is crucial, though, with 62% of UK travelers still highlighting travel while looking for ways to save money.


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