
Quick Facts About the History of Every Flag in Southeast Asia

Quick Facts About the History of Every Flag in Southeast Asia
Photo Source: iStockphoto/Aj_OP/CNN Indonesia


Up until 1984, Brunei was a colony of the British. The nation's formal flag, though, has been in use since 1959. The ensign stands for dedication to both the monarchy and Religion.


In 1945, Indonesia proclaimed its independence from the Dutch. When the Dutch acknowledged Indonesia's independence in 1949, the flag was formally hoisted.


Up until 1953, Cambodia was a component of French Indochina. The current flag, which has existed since 1948, was reinstated in 1993 after the Khmer Rouge rule, during which it was not flown.


Laos attained freedom in 1953 as French Indochina disintegrated. After World War II, the Laotion flag was chosen, and in 1975 it was made the national symbol.


In 1957, Malaysia separated from the United Kingdom. The first flag was approved in 1950, and in 1963 it was modified to include 14 stripes, which stand for the nation's various regions.

Myanmar (Burma)

Up until 1948, Myanmar was a component of the British Empire. The country's name was also altered from Burma to Myanmar in 2010, which coincided with the adoption of the current flag.


Spain and the USA colonized the Philippines until 1946, when it was awarded independence. The current emblem was initially created in 1898 as the official one.


Singapore belonged to the Britain until 1959, at which point it joined Malaysia. Malaysia did, however, split from Singapore in 1965 and gain independence. Since 1959, the banner has been in use.


One of the few nations that was never colonized by Foreign powers is Thailand. In 1917, the Kingdom's formal flag was chosen. The flag was created the same year Thailand enlisted in the Allies in World War I, and its hues are those of Russia, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom.


In 1945, Vietnam proclaimed its freedom from France, and in 1954, North and South Vietnam were created. Initially approved in 1945, the flag was flown over North Vietnam until the country's reunification in 1976.


One of the newest sovereign countries is Timor-Leste, which only achieved independence from Indonesia in 2002. Although the banner was first displayed in 1975, it wasn't declared lawful until 2002.


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