
Countdown to Vesak 2024, Monks Embark on Thudong from TMII to Borobudur Temple

Countdown to Vesak 2024, Monks Embark on Thudong from TMII to Borobudur Temple
Credit: InJourney

A total of 40 bhikkhus from various countries left  Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) on May 14 to take part in the Bhikku Thudong to celebrate Vesak Tri Suci at Borobudur Temple on May 23. These monks from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia were sent off with a series of rituals.

The welcome and release ceremony of Bhikkhu Thudong at Mini Indonesia Indah Park, themed "Enlightened in Harmony," began with the fetching of water lanterns and inscribing of hopes at the Yogyakarta Pavilion in the TMII Complex. These water lanterns were filled with different hopes reflecting the spirit of the Vesak celebration.

The event also included interfaith prayers from six religions at the TMII Promenade area, the release of doves as a symbol of eternal peace at the Promenade Archipelago, walking meditation, and the floating of the Lanterns of Universal Hope at the Archipelago Lake.

This procession felt more special as it was attended by thousands of people, representing diversity, mutual respect and tolerance, which are core values of Indonesia's unity in diversity.

Maya Watono, Director of Marketing and Tourism Programs at InJourney, explained the choice of TMII as the site for the Bhikku Thudong for the 40 bhikkhus. She emphasized the richness of Indonesia's cultural values, diversity and unity in diversity.

The release of the Bhikku Thudong was attended by several prominent figures, including the Thai Ambassador to Indonesia. The event was also attended by Indonesia's Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, who emphasized the importance of the Vesak celebration at Borobudur Temple as a sacred moment, especially after the development of the site as a religious tourism destination.

Indonesian Deputy Minister of State Enterprises Kartika Wirjoatmodjo also welcomed the arrival of the 40 Bhikkhus at Sasana Langen Budoyo, TMII. He highlighted Borobudur as one of the 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP) and the center of Buddhist worship. Managed by InJourney Destination Management, the management of Borobudur Temple will be maintained to strike a balance as a tourism destination while preserving its spiritual uniqueness.

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