
Climate Crisis Escalates, 18% of Indonesians Deny Human-Caused Climate Change

Climate Crisis Escalates, 18% of Indonesians Deny Human-Caused Climate Change

The recent heat wave in Southeast Asia has captured the world's attention. Millions of people have been affected by the extreme heat, including in the Philippines, Thailand, and Bangkok.

However, despite the rising temperatures in Indonesia, the Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that Indonesia is not experiencing a heat wave like other countries.

Many countries, including Indonesia, are experiencing the effects of climate change. In addition to heat waves, other examples of these impacts include worsening air pollution and increased flooding.

Jakarta, Indonesia, is often ranked as one of the most polluted cities in the world. In 2017, data from the U.S. Embassy's air monitoring station showed that Jakarta's air quality was considered 'good' only 26 days per year. Due to this severe air pollution, the life expectancy of Jakarta residents has decreased by 2.3 years in recent years.

Jakarta's flooding is also worsening due to climate change, with water levels rising every year. Climate change is intensifying extreme rainfall events, leading to more intense flooding.

These are just a few of the many threats that climate change poses to Indonesia. The situation is exacerbated by a lack of education and awareness about the seriousness of the problem.

A report by Globalism YouGov-Cambridge found that 18% of Indonesians surveyed do not believe that climate change is caused by human activity. This may be because the Indonesian media focuses more on religious and political issues than on climate issues. A lack of in-depth climate education in the education system and misinformation also contribute to this misunderstanding.

Nonetheless, the increase in natural disasters and air pollution should prompt discussions on better solutions to the problem.

In this regard, Indonesia needs to ensure a better understanding of the climate crisis among its citizens. This requires support from the government, educational institutions, and the media, which have the resources to provide accurate information about climate change.

In addition, Indonesia's environmental policies should be aligned with positive climate change mitigation rhetoric. Indonesia can also learn from neighboring countries such as Australia about the negative impacts of poor climate change policies.

Despite being a developed country that relies heavily on minerals and natural resources for its GDP, Australia has not invested enough in sustainable fuel sources or industries, even though there is evidence that weak climate policies can harm the economy. This highlights that a commitment to good climate policy does not hinder economic growth.

The challenge of climate change could become more significant without meaningful change. Therefore, it is critical for Indonesia and other countries to increase public understanding of the climate crisis and build support from diverse stakeholders.

Everyone can contribute to a more sustainable Earth. One way to do this is to conserve energy. By reducing energy consumption, whether it is electricity or fuel, we can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that accelerate global warming. Let's join hands and be part of the solution for a more sustainable and healthy future for our planet!


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