
Say Goodbye to Traffic Jams: Bangkok's New Electric Boat Taxi Service is Coming in July!

Say Goodbye to Traffic Jams: Bangkok's New Electric Boat Taxi Service is Coming in July!
Credit: Internet

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will launch a new on-demand electric boat taxi service in July to better integrate the city's transportation system and promote tourism. 

The service, developed by Krung Thep Thanakom Co (KT), will be an exciting innovation in urban transportation that aims to reduce traffic congestion and become a new tourist attraction for both locals and visitors. The boat taxis will be integrated with the electric train, bus and motorcycle taxi networks, offering a new and exciting way to explore the city.

Tharatporn Techakitkachorn, KT's managing director, said the trial phase would begin next month. The eco-friendly boat taxis will operate in Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem and its tributaries such as Khlong Bang Lamphu. 

In the big picture, the service will expand to other iconic Bangkok canals, including Khlong Lat Phrao. Passengers will be able to book the boats through an app, and the fare will be calculated based on distance.

KT is currently negotiating with electric boat manufacturers to procure boats with a capacity of 6-10 seats. For the upcoming trial period, two prototype boats will be launched in July. 

In addition, the BMA is preparing a dedicated app for motorcycle taxis that will connect 5,000 taxis and 90,000 licensed drivers, making it easier for passengers to book rides with fair and transparent fares.

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