
Good News! Indonesian Driver's License Now Valid Across ASEAN from June 1, 2025

Good News! Indonesian Driver's License Now Valid Across ASEAN from June 1, 2025

Drive anywhere in ASEAN with your Indonesian license from June 1, 2025! That's great news for Indonesians who travel or work in other Southeast Asian countries. From this date, Indonesian driver's licenses will be recognized and valid in several ASEAN countries.

This information was shared through the social media account of the Jakarta Metro Police's Traffic Management Center (TMC), which received a positive response from the public.

POLRI Korlantas chairman Brigadier General Pol Yusri Yunus said Indonesian driving licenses would be recognized in eight ASEAN countries, namely the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia.

"With this policy, citizens driving in ASEAN can use their Indonesian driver's licenses," wrote the official TMC Jakarta Metro Police account on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

The implementation of this policy is planned to be aligned with the switch from SIM numbers to National Identification Numbers (NIK), which are found in the National ID Cards (KTP). The use of the NIK will make the process of verifying and validating driver data easier and faster, thus minimizing the possibility of administrative errors.

With this policy in place, drivers will no longer have to face the administrative hassle of obtaining an international driver's license when driving in these countries. This obviously saves time and money, and provides greater convenience for tourists and frequent travelers.

In addition to providing convenience, the implementation of this rule also demonstrates increased cooperation and mutual recognition among ASEAN countries in the transportation sector. This is in line with ASEAN's vision to create a more integrated and harmonious region where its citizens can move more freely and easily.

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