In a groundbreaking discovery, Australian and Indonesian scientists have uncovered the oldest example of figurative cave art on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The stunning painting, depicting a wild pig and three human-like figures, has been dated to at least 51,200 years old, surpassing the previous record by more than 5,000 years.
This discovery significantly shifts our understanding of when modern humans first demonstrated the ability for creative thought. Prof. Maxime Aubert from Griffith University in Australia shared with BBC News that this finding will alter current perceptions of human evolution. "The painting tells a complex story. It is the oldest evidence we have for storytelling, illustrating that humans at the time had the capacity to think in abstract terms," he said.
The depicted scene shows a pig standing still with its mouth partly open, surrounded by three human-like figures. The largest figure is extending both arms, seemingly holding a rod. Another figure is positioned in front of the pig, appearing to touch its snout with a stick. The third human-like figure is depicted upside-down with legs splayed outwards, reaching out towards the pig.
The scientific team, led by Adhi Agus Oktaviana from Indonesia's National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), points to the importance of narrative storytelling in early human culture. "Humans have likely been telling stories for much longer than 51,200 years. While words do not fossilize, we can infer storytelling from artistic depictions like this,” Oktaviana explained.
Previously, the oldest evidence for drawing consisted of geometric patterns found on rocks in the Blombos Caves of southern Africa, dating between 75,000 to 100,000 years ago. The new figurative art from the limestone cave of Leang Karampuang in South Sulawesi, however, represents a critical advancement in human abstract thinking and creativity.
Dr. Henry Gee, senior editor at Nature, where the findings were published, noted, "Something significant seems to have happened around 50,000 years ago, around the time other human species such as Neanderthals and the 'Hobbit' began to disappear." He suggests there could be even earlier examples of such art yet to be discovered.
Prof. Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London expressed the possibility of ancient representational art originating in Africa. "This find strengthens the idea that representational art was produced in Africa over 50,000 years ago and spread as our species migrated." He emphasized the need for further research to uncover more evidence and confirm these findings.
Also read: World’s Oldest-Known Figurative Paintings Discovered in Southeast Asian Cave
This new dating technique, which involves using a laser to analyze tiny amounts of the artwork, has made these insights possible. Wider application of this method may lead to re-dating other cave art sites globally, potentially pushing back the timeline for the emergence of representational art.
Until recently, the oldest known cave art originated from Europe, leading some to believe that the creative surge responsible for modern art and science began there. However, the discovery of colored hand outlines in South Sulawesi in 2014 and subsequent findings, including the depiction of an unknown animal in Borneo in 2018, have challenged this Eurocentric view.
Prof. Adam Brumm from Griffith University highlighted the implications of these discoveries on the understanding of storytelling in early human history. "That the oldest cave art found in Sulawesi thus far consists of recognizable scenes implies that humans were using art to communicate narratives – to tell stories,” he stated.