
Soon! Singapore Will Enforce Bans on Old Motorcycles and Tighten Diesel Engine Regulations

Soon! Singapore Will Enforce Bans on Old Motorcycles and Tighten Diesel Engine Regulations
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Singapore will implement stricter regulations to protect air quality. Starting July 1, 2028, foreign motorcycles registered in their home country before July 1, 2003, will not be allowed to operate on Singapore roads. This is a measure taken by the government to improve air quality, as older motorcycles tend to produce more pollution compared to those that meet newer Euro emission standards.

Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, foreign motorcyclists who wish to enter Singapore must also use motorcycles registered on or after July 1, 2003, and meet Singapore's emission standards. Riders who violate this rule can be fined up to $2,000 for the first offense, the National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Monday (July 1).

This regulation extends a similar ban that has been applied to local motorcycles since 2018, prohibiting older local motorcycles from being on Singapore roads. Another policy implemented by the NEA is tightening the emission limits for diesel vehicles starting April 1, 2026.

Foreign commercial diesel vehicles entering Singapore must have smoke emissions not exceeding 50 Hartridge Smoke Units (HSU). If smoke emissions exceed this limit, the vehicle will be turned back at the land checkpoint and not allowed to enter Singapore.

Currently, the emission limit for both local and foreign commercial diesel vehicles is 40 HSU. If this limit is exceeded, drivers will be fined. However, foreign commercial diesel vehicles with smoke emissions of 60 HSU or more will be immediately turned back.

Six months before the implementation, from October 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026, the NEA will issue notifications to foreign commercial diesel vehicles entering Singapore. These notifications are intended to remind them of the new limits and the implementation date.

In addition to demonstrating the Singapore government's commitment to the country's air quality, this policy also aims to align Singapore's emission standards with the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit and enhance efforts to control air pollution in the region.

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