
PR vs Digital Algorithms: The Real Challenge for Communication Practitioners in the Era of AI Domination

PR vs Digital Algorithms: The Real Challenge for Communication Practitioners in the Era of AI Domination
Credit: Doc.

The field of public relations is undergoing a significant transformation in the digital age. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a major force behind this evolution, presenting new opportunities and unprecedented challenges.

AI is not just a tool but also sparks debate about its impact on the industry and communication professionals, including Public Relations (PR) experts. While some view AI as a threat to the PR profession, others see it as a beneficial tool that can simplify the work of communication practitioners.

Ismail Fahmi, Founder of Drone Emprit, believes that AI plays a crucial role in disseminating public messages more widely. However, AI's presence does not necessarily diminish human jobs, including those in public relations.

"What is lost with the advent of artificial intelligence is not that we (humans) are replaced by AI, but rather that we are replaced by other humans who use AI. Public relations will not be directly defeated by AI, but it will be outpaced by other PR professionals who are able to leverage AI technology," says Ismail Fahmi.

Ismail adds that AI currently creates algorithms that can regulate the information received by the public. AI excels at learning what the public likes, leading to polarization between pro and con viewpoints on various issues.

A public relations practitioner must understand algorithms before utilizing digital platforms to disseminate public information. Algorithms vary across digital platforms. According to Fahmi, algorithms are a crucial factor in attracting online audiences.

Analysis by Drone Emprit shows that high levels of polarization on the internet can shift perceptions among netizens, turning opposition into agreement or vice versa. Therefore, the artificial intelligence behind digital algorithms is a new power for public relations practitioners.

QnA session

Finky Santika, Head of Media and Digital at Taman Safari Indonesia Group, observes that AI has significantly changed how PR works. Her team strives to use technology to engage more closely with the public, including developing WhatsApp GPT as an information hub for visitors at Taman Safari, replacing map leaflets and customer service.

Finky stated that WhatsApp GPT makes it easier for her to provide information to visitors. Visitors can quickly and easily find out about locations and show schedules at Taman Safari. 

Despite having this technology, Finky also employs her own methods to communicate and promote Taman Safari's products to the public. According to her, building a close relationship with visitors through community engagement is crucial, even though public interactions have been significantly influenced by AI. 

PR practitioners need to involve the community in their organization’s campaigns. Based on Finky’s experience, the public can serve as key opinion leaders who influence how digital algorithms work. In the context of Taman Safari, the more moments shared by visitors, the more beneficial algorithms can be created for the organization.

Meanwhile, Djarot Handoko, Vice Chairman of Campaign Development at Perhumas and Head of Corporate Communication at APR, emphasizes the importance of ethics for PR practitioners, even when using AI in their work. 

Djarot cites a study by Professor David Tran from the National University of Singapore, which highlights that the core of the technology revolution lies in copyright issues related to AI usage. The debate continues as to whether copyright should be granted to the human creator or the AI being utilized.

In response to this issue, Djarot underscores the importance of human touch, even when PR practitioners use AI. AI is expected to enhance productivity, not diminish the natural performance of humans at work. Djarot urges PR practitioners to maintain their identity amid the dominance of AI.

"Be cautious when using AI; there must still be a human element. We must not merely follow AI; we need to retain our identity," says Djarot.

Good News From Indonesia (GNFI) collaborated with the Indonesian Public Relations Association (Perhumas) to discuss this issue in a seminar titled “PR vs Digital Algorithms” at Pingoo Restaurant, West Jakarta, on Tuesday (July 30, 2024).

“The collaboration between GNFI and Perhumas is hoped to benefit practitioners, academics, and students to engage in direct discussions regarding the challenges in communication, especially PR, amidst the dynamic developments in social and technological fields,” said Boy Kelana Soebroto, Chairman of Perhumas, in his opening remarks.

In line with this, GNFI CEO Wahyu Aji noted that communication is not only important for communication practitioners or PR professionals. He emphasized that the substance and impact of communication are crucial for public interests at large, and therefore, everyone should care about this issue.

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