
Mapping Economic Potential and Commodity Supply Chains in Sugihwaras Village: The SMARTMAP Initiative by Universitas Indonesia

Mapping Economic Potential and Commodity Supply Chains in Sugihwaras Village: The SMARTMAP Initiative by Universitas Indonesia
Aerial view of Patut Hamlet, Sugihwaras Village, captured by a drone © Paras Sugihwaras

Sugihwaras Village, located in Adimulyo District, Kebumen Regency, serves as a real example of the application of digital technology for village development. Through the Paras Sugihwaras program, which includes the SMARTMAP initiative (Mapping of Economic Potential and the Village’s Leading Commodity Supply Chains) and DIGIMAP (Digital Integration for Geographic Information Mapping and Agriculture Planning), students from Universitas Indonesia are collaborating with the local community to map the village's economic potential and develop supply chains for its leading commodities. This program aims to strengthen the village's economic resilience and provide a strong foundation for sustainable development planning through the creation of detailed maps.

Goals and Approach of SMARTMAP

SMARTMAP aims to provide a clearer identity for Sugihwaras Village, as well as enhance the understanding of the social, cultural, and economic dynamics that influence the lives of the village's residents. This program emphasizes a data-driven approach to documenting and analyzing the village's potential and the challenges it faces. SMARTMAP focuses on two main aspects:

  • Mapping Leading Agricultural Commodities: Documenting the village's leading products and providing detailed information about market potential. This is crucial for identifying key products, such as rice harvest yields or the production of cassava chips, that can be developed and marketed more effectively by utilizing the village’s infrastructure.
  • Mapping Market Networks: This aspect focuses on mapping the supply chains from the district level to the regency level. With a clear map of the market network, the village can better understand the economic movements and seize economic opportunities more effectively.

Benefits of Digital Mapping in SMARTMAP

The SMARTMAP team, part of Paras Sugihwaras, took a group photo with the civil servants after the launch of the website at the village hall © Paras Sugihwaras

One of the key innovations of SmartMAP is the use of digital mapping through visualization tools like QGIS. Data such as production forecasts, product prices, and farmers' recorded selling prices can be visualized digitally and spatially, providing enhanced knowledge on these matters. The data generated also serves as more accurate and efficient supporting documentation for reporting purposes, helping the village to design more well-planned and sustainable economic development strategies.

Regulations and Policies on Geospatial Information

This participatory mapping program is supported by a robust legal framework. The initiative complies with the provisions of Law No. 4 of 2011 on Geospatial Information and Minister of Villages Regulation No. 8 of 2022 concerning Priorities for the Use of Village Funds. Additionally, this activity aligns with Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages and the Regulation of the Head of the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) No. 3 of 2016, recognizing that maps created by the community (as they understand the needs and experience the phenomena) are crucial in supporting infrastructure development priorities through village funds.

Statement from the Head of Sugihwaras Village

Bambang Tulus Wibowo, the Head of Sugihwaras Village, gave a statement to the press regarding the benefits of the community service program from Universitas Indonesia © Paras Sugihwaras

Sugihwaras Village Head, Bambang Tulus Wibowo, expressed great appreciation for the collaboration with UI students in this program. "The presence of smart map in our village provides a clearer picture of our economic potential and leading commodity supply chains. This will help us in better planning and more efficient resource management," he said.


The participatory mapping program led by UI students in Sugihwaras Village through the Paras Sugihwaras initiative is an example of how digital technology can be integrated with community participation to create sustainable solutions. With SMARTMAP and DIGIMAP, the village community is expected to gain a better understanding of their area’s potential and face agricultural sector challenges more effectively. This initiative underscores the importance of collaboration between the government, academics, and the community in creating positive change at the village level, as well as strengthening economic and social resilience amid the challenges of changing times.

Rafa Sukoco

An Indonesian, born into a multiethnic family, with a passion for traveling, culinary experiences, and delving into history and religion. Enjoying life through listening and sharing stories.
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