
Not Just One, Multiple Studies Crowned Singapore as the Healthiest Country in the World

Not Just One, Multiple Studies Crowned Singapore as the Healthiest Country in the World
Credit: Frank Zhang/Pixabay

Singapore, a country known for its skyscrapers and bustling business centers, also excels in public health. The country has gained recognition as the healthiest nation in the world according to several recent studies.

From a long life expectancy to significant government spending on healthcare, this small nation demonstrates that investment in health can yield extraordinary results.

Legatum Prosperity Index: Singapore's World-Class Healthcare System Shines

According to data from the Legatum Prosperity Index, compiled by the Legatum Institute Foundation, a leading research organization in London, Singapore has been crowned the country with the best healthcare system in the world for 2023. The Health Index in this study comprehensively measures aspects such as health outcomes, accessibility of healthcare services, prevalence of diseases, and risk factors for mortality.

With an index score of 86.9, Singapore outperformed Japan (ranked second with 86.5 points) and South Korea (ranked third with 84.8 points). This remarkable achievement is largely due to the quality of its robust healthcare system, which is considered one of the best in the world.

The significant investments made by the Singaporean government in the healthcare sector, particularly in medical research and development, have yielded impressive results. The universal healthcare system implemented in the country ensures that the quality of public services is on par with private services, making it an attractive destination for expatriates.

The positive consequences of this comprehensive health policy are reflected in Singapore’s life expectancy, which consistently ranks as the fifth highest in the world for many years.

Great Powers Index 2024: Government Initiatives Boost Life Expectancy

Based on the analysis from Ray Dalio’s Great Powers Index 2024, as cited by Visual Capitalist, the rankings reveal the health status of several countries with the largest economies in the world. This index comprehensively measures health levels, ranging from life expectancy to the prevalence of chronic diseases.

Among the 24 countries analyzed, Singapore ranks the highest with an index score of 2.45. This finding aligns with Singapore's designation as a "blue zone," an area where the population of centenarians (individuals aged 100 and above) is ten times higher than the average in the United States.

Government initiatives in Singapore, such as the implementation of taxes on vehicles, fuel, and road usage to promote healthier mobility, as well as tax incentives for those living near their parents or children, are believed to significantly contribute to the country's increased life expectancy.

CEOWORLD Magazine: Singapore’s Superior Health Metrics

A comparative analysis conducted by CEOWORLD Magazine on 183 countries highlights Singapore's significant advantages in public health. With the highest score of 95.09, Singapore has surpassed other countries studied, earning the title of "The Healthiest Country in the World 2024".

This index considers various factors, including healthy life expectancy, blood pressure, blood glucose (indicating diabetes risk), obesity, depression, happiness, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, and levels of physical activity. Additionally, government spending on healthcare is also one of the evaluated aspects.

From all these factors, a ratio is calculated to assess how closely each country approaches the overall best score, positioning Singapore as a leader in global health.

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