
Indonesia Pushes for Faster Entry into 'Elite League' of Developed Nations

Indonesia Pushes for Faster Entry into 'Elite League' of Developed Nations
Credit: Shutterstock

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has expressed its firm commitment to accelerate the process of integration into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

This strategic move aims to align national economic policies with higher international standards, while strengthening Indonesia's position as a regional leader in promoting inclusive and sustainable ASEAN economic integration.

OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann has pledged efforts to expedite Indonesia's accession to the organization. Although he could not guarantee a specific timeline, Cormann promised to make the best efforts for Indonesia's membership.

Cormann also stated that there are no obstacles preventing Indonesia from joining the OECD. He emphasized that the focus is on reforms that benefit the people, particularly in improving incomes and living standards.

He also highlighted the support of US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer for Indonesia's accession, which reinforced Indonesia's strong commitment to the process.

If Indonesia joins BRICS but aims for OECD, is it possible?

Cormann stated that Indonesia's plan to join BRICS will not affect its accession process to the OECD. He emphasized that the OECD respects Indonesia's independent foreign policy and its non-alignment with any bloc. Indonesia's accession process will continue to be assessed according to the applicable standards.

Indonesia on OECD waiting list

Indonesia currently joins Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Peru, Romania, and Thailand in the queue for OECD membership. 

Indonesia is also conducting a self-assessment of its policies, regulations and national standards against OECD instruments, which will be submitted later in the Initial Memorandum.

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