
Asia's Oldest Population, 2024

Thailand has become the country with the oldest population in Southeast Asia and the sixth oldest in all of Asia. According to data from Visual Capitalist, which published a list of the world’s oldest countries based on median age using the 2024 estimates from the CIA World Factbook, a high median age indicates an aging population.

In Asia, Japan leads with the oldest population, boasting a median age of 50 years. Thailand, with a median age of 42 years, ranks sixth, making it the country with the oldest population in Southeast Asia. This demographic shift places Thailand ahead of other aging nations in the region.

Following Thailand, Singapore ranks eighth in Asia with a median age of 39 years. Vietnam, with a median age of 33 years, holds the 16th position on the list.

The median age is a critical indicator of the age distribution within a country’s population. A higher median age suggests a larger proportion of elderly individuals, which can have significant implications for the nation’s social policies, healthcare system, and labor market dynamics.

For Thailand, this aging population presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, an older population can contribute to economic stability through accumulated wealth and experience. On the other hand, it requires substantial investment in healthcare, pension systems, and eldercare services to support the aging demographic.

As Thailand continues to navigate this demographic shift, understanding and addressing the needs of its aging population will be crucial for ensuring sustainable growth and social well-being in the years to come. Effective policies and innovative solutions will be key to harnessing the potential of this demographic trend while mitigating its challenges.

Rafa Sukoco

An Indonesian, born into a multiethnic family, with a passion for traveling, culinary experiences, and delving into history and religion. Enjoying life through listening and sharing stories.
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