
Indonesian Become ‘Changi Millionaire’ Winner in Singapore

Indonesian Become ‘Changi Millionaire’ Winner in Singapore
Ade Iskandar owns S$1 Million from a lucky draw held in Changi Airport, Singapore © Changi Airport Group

An Indonesian traveler named Ade Iskandar Roni became an instant millionaire. He became the winner of Changi Airport’s shopping promotion titled “Be A Changi Millionaire” on Sunday, January, 15th 2017. He entered the grand draw after spending S$50 for an Adidas T-shirt.  He was exceptionally lucky, indeed as his purchase entry was the lowest among the eight finalists from Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates.

(source : Changi Airport Group)
(source : Changi Airport Group)

They compete in three game rounds that was held in Changi Airport in front of a live audience, about 300 people. Also, they had to race to board their flights, simulating a passenger’s journey through Changi Airpot. in the final round, Roni beat Indian finalist Animesh Singh by being the first to fit a giant travel adaptor into the socket on the podium. Hi did it after five attempts, emerged his victory.

“I’m still shocked, nervous and in disbelief, but incredibly happy. I can’t imagine how much money a million Singapore dollars will looks like, how big a stack it will be!” said him. On what he plans to do this windfall, the Jakarta-based procurement personnel in a telecommunications company wanted to bring his family to the Holly Mecca for Umrah. “I want to bring my entire extended family to the Holy Mecca for Umrah first. I haven’t thought abouth what else to do with the money, but I hope to buy a car for my family too.”

(source : Changi Airport Group)
(source : Changi Airport Group)


Changi Airport Group (CAG) holds this annual contest to drive their concession sales and it has proved to be a success, as the sales increased 5% to be more than S$2.3 billion. It is an all-the time high for the airport. Travelers from China, Singapore and Indonesia were the top spenders, with Chinese national accounting for 30 per cent of total sales in 2016.

The 2016 edition attracted close to 1.2 million lucky draw entries from 225 nationalities globally, from May to October. The eight run of this competition will be kicked off in May, 2017.


Are you ready to be the next winner? 

Source :Channel News Asia

Thomas Benmetan

A Fulltime life-learner who lost himself into book, poem, Adventure, travelling, hiking, and social working. Graduated from Faculty of Communication Science, Petra Christian University. Currently More pursuing his career as a writer and traveller. Less
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