
2017, The Busiest Year for Singapore's Changi Airport

2017, The Busiest Year for Singapore's Changi Airport

The year 2017 saw Changi Airport in Singapore welcome its highest number of passengers in a single year since its opening in 1981 – with more than 60 million travellers passing through.

The passengers on Scoot flight TR7 – arriving from Australia’s Gold Coast – were the lucky recipients of celebratory goodie bags, a food buffet and champagne reception in the arrivals lounge at Terminal 2 when they touched down as the 60 millionth passengers for the year.

While all of the passengers received fun-filled gift bags, six were then chosen to play a quirky quiz in order to win luxury gifts including jewelry.

Ang Bee Leng, a full-time housewife traveling on the Scoot flight, bagged the ultimate first prize in the quiz competition, winning a trip to Jaipur in India and a variety of Apple products including the new iPhone X.

All the quiz runners-up won a return pair of air tickets to six Scoot destinations – not too bad for a consolation prize.

“We’ve been putting a lot of things in place to better cater to the growth in passengers in the years to come,” noted Tan Lye Teck, CAG executive vice-president for airport management.

Some of these new plans involve developing a commercial schedule and harnessing budget airlines which have contributed to the traffic growth through the airport.


Singapore’s Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan wrote a Facebook status congratulating Changi Airport for hitting the 60 millionth passenger mark – and also further explaining about the future investments hoping to be made in the airport.

The greenwall facade on the terminal's exterior is drapped with 16,000 plants | Changi Airport Official Website
The greenwall facade on the terminal's exterior is drapped with 16,000 plants | Changi Airport Official Website


“It is easy to talk about investing ahead of demand, but when billions are involved, it is a giant bet,” Khaw wrote.

“We are now executing another and even bigger bet: the construction of T5 and the comprehensive development of Changi East.”

The new terminal will ensure the continuing relevance of Changi Airport, said Khaw, adding that the Republic is confident of the continuing growth of civil aviation in Asia.

Source :Travel Wire Asia

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