
AirAsia Indonesia’s Share Price Skyrockets after Listing

AirAsia Indonesia’s Share Price Skyrockets after Listing
Stocksnap/Pixabay | AirAsia

The price of PT AirAsia Indonesia’s shares has skyrocketed since they were listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) last week.

The airline’s shares reached 25 percent per day over the last five days.

Air Asia entered the bourse through a backdoor listing scheme named PT Rimau Multi Para Pratama. After the transactions, the company changed its name to PT Air Asia Indonesia on Jan. 3.

AirAsia Indonesia. Image:
AirAsia Indonesia. Image:

Nikkei reported the AirAsia's plan to engineer a backdoor listing for its Indonesian unit by taking over a locally listed company in August last year, paving the way for fundraising in the local capital market.

On Monday, AirAsia Indonesia president director Dendy Kurniawan said the company planned to add two more planes -- Airbus A320 planes -- to its fleet as it wanted to open up new routes this year.

He, however, declined to further explain the company’s plans. “We will announce the details next time,” said Dendy, as reported by

A boy looks at an AirAsia plane that is preparing for take-off at an airport terminal in Surabaya, East Java, on June 22, 2016. Image:
A boy looks at an AirAsia plane that is preparing for take-off at an airport terminal in Surabaya, East Java, on June 22, 2016. Image:


Meanwhile, Bertoni Rio, a senior analyst from Anugerah Sekuritas Indonesia, said the price jump was temporary due to the euphoria after the name change from PT Rimau Multi Para Pratama to PT Air Asia Indonesia on Jan. 3.

He said AirAsia was well-known brand among aviation firms. “The investors have a positive expectation that makes the share price increase.”

Similar comments came from Achmad Yaki, an analyst at BCA Sekuritas. “It is still in euphoria, we still don’t know the performance of Air Asia,” Achmad said, adding that currently  airline businesses were facing various challenges.

Indah Gilang Pusparani

Indah is a researcher at Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kota Cirebon (Regional Development Planning and Research Agency of Cirebon Municipality). She covers More international relations, tourism, and startups in Southeast Asia region and beyond. Indah graduated from MSc Development Administration and Planning from University College London, United Kingdom in 2015. She finished bachelor degree from International Relations from University of Indonesia in 2014, with two exchange programs in Political Science at National University of Singapore and New Media in Journalism at Ball State University, USA. She was awarded Diplomacy Award at Harvard World Model United Nations and named as Indonesian Gifted Researcher by Australian National University. She is Researcher at Regional Planning Board in Cirebon, West Java. She previously worked as Editor in Bening Communication, the Commonwealth Parliament Association UK, and diplomacy consulting firm Best Delegate LLC in USA. Less
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