
The Top Asian Country In Adult Full-Time Employment

The Top Asian Country In Adult Full-Time Employment
Featured Image Caption © The Business Times

SINGAPORE has emerged as the top Asian country in adult full-time employment, excluding those self-employed, with 48 per cent of adults having this type of work.

Hong Kong is second at 43 per cent and Taiwan is third at 42 per cent.

This is according to Gallup's 2018 Global Great Jobs Briefing, the findings of which were released on May 2.

The report shows the distribution of high-quality jobs around the globe and how those jobs improve work and life outcomes for businesses and employees alike.

Singapore is found to also lead the region in "full-time employment that engages workers", with 11 per cent of adults fitting this description.

This is followed by Mongolia (10 per cent) and the Philippines (9 per cent).

Gallup defines people who are engaged at work as "highly involved in and enthusiastic about their work", who drive performance and innovation and move their organisation forward. Gallup added that research shows that across industries and countries, teams with highly engaged members are, on average, 17 per cent more productive than those with lower average engagement.

Source: Bussiness Times Singapore
Source: Bussiness Times Singapore


Source :Business Times Singapore

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