
(Photos) Meet The Southeast Asia's Highest Peak

(Photos) Meet The Southeast Asia's Highest Peak
Featured Image Caption © Myanmar Business Today

First of all how many people thought Myanmar had glaciers?

Here, in this region's highest peak, you may experience this and the top facts about this mountains are as listed below, is a must for you to know:

1. Hkakabo Razi is the highest point of elevation and the highest mountain in Myanmar with an elevation of 19,295 feet (5,881 meters).

Source: National Geographic
Source: National Geographic

2. The mountain is also the highest in Southeast Asia and it is found in the northern Myanmar state of Kachin in the Greater Himalayan mountain range.

3. It is surrounded by the Hkakabo Razi National Park which is entirely mountainous made up of the broad-leaved evergreen rain forest.

Source: DigitalTrends on Facebook
Source: DigitalTrends on Facebook

4. The mountain is divided into zones depending on the level of elevation. The zones include sub-tropical temperate (8,000 to 9,000 feet), semi-deciduous forest, needle-leaves snow forest, and the alpine.

5. Hkakabo Razi Mountain experiences an alpine climate with snow more common than rains especially during winter with a temperature range of between -60 Degrees Celsius and 23 Degrees Celsius.

6. Thought to be the tallest mountain in Southeast Asia, Hkakabo still remains unmeasured by GPS.

Source: National Geographic
Source: National Geographic
Source: Dailymotion
Source: Dailymotion

6. The first ascent of the mountain was made in 1996 by Takashi Ozaki and Nyima Gyaltsen. It took long for the first ascent of the mountain because none-citizens were not allowed into the area around the mountain until late 1993.

7. Hkakabo Razi was established as a natural reserve on January 30, 1996, and as a national park on November 10, 1998. 

Source: Digital Trends
Source: Digital Trends
Source:  DigitalTrends on Facebook
Source: DigitalTrends on Facebook
Source: Women in the World
Source: Women in the World
Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest


Source : Various sources including Wikipedia and Pinterest

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