
The World's Most Populous City In Year 2028. A Southeast Asian Nation is Listed To Make A Dramatic Change

The World's Most Populous City In Year 2028. A Southeast Asian Nation is Listed To Make A Dramatic Change
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Between 2030 and 2035, 63 urban areas, out of a total of 1,800 in the world, with a population of 300,000 inhabitants or more in 2018, are expected to shrink. Of which, 33, or more than half of them are in Japan.

By the end of the century, there could be 50 million fewer Japanese than there were at its peak, The Jakarta Post reported.

According to UN Population Division World Urbanization Prospects 2018, however, revealed that Manila, Philippines will be among Top 20 countries in the world to become the most populous city in year 2028-2030.


Looking at approximately one generation’s time from 2000 to 2030, the population of three industrial cities in China’s Yichun, in the northeast province of Heilongjiang, Youngstown in Ohio, United States and Hamhung, in the Hamgyong province of North Korean are expected to fall in size significantly.

Among the most populous cities in 2000, some will make a dramatic change by 2030.

New York-Newark metropolitan area, will be pushed out of top 10.

Paris, France, the only Western European entry in 2000, will place number 35 in 2030, with a forecast of 11.7 million people.

Seoul, South Korea, with an estimated annualized growth rate of less than 0.1%, second lowest to Osaka, Japans negligible rate of growth will be pushed to No. 42 in 2030, a 24 place drop in rank.

Source: The Jakarta Post

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