
Twitterland Reveals Real 'Crazy Rich Asians', The Indonesia's Surabaya Version

Twitterland Reveals Real 'Crazy Rich Asians', The Indonesia's Surabaya Version
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You may have watched romantic film Crazy Rich Asians and you may still be awed by the characters' glamorous lifestyle.

Source: The National
Source: The National
Source: Inside Weddings
Source: Inside Weddings
Source: The Ex-Press
Source: The Ex-Press

Those wanting to meet the real crazy rich Asians, look no further than Surabaya, East Java.

Twitter account @btari_durga shared the life of a #CrazyRichSurabayan on the social media platform on Thursday. The hashtag instantly trended on Twitter, receiving thousands of responses.
Previously teaching in Surabaya, @btari_durga encountered a mother who wanted to take her son, Nelson, to get vaccinated in Japan.
Another mother shared that she did not go back to her hometown in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, for the Idul Fitri holiday because it's too far. She went to Germany, instead.

One mother offered to buy @btari_durga a coffee from Starbucks, which she politely rejected.

The mother then said, "Don't worry. I'm planning to drink Starbucks in school with other mothers tomorrow." And the next day, there was a Starbucks booth in a school hall.

@diajengsafitri shared that she had a tenant who owned many properties in the city. One day, the tenant told her driver that she was interested in a house located in a luxury residential area. The driver had to remind her that she was actually the owner of the house.

Veterinarian @PangestiRida said she once took care of a dog owned by a #CrazyRichSurabayan. The client came with three cars and two military police and paid her a large fee. While @BiniBuleID is expecting a book to be out on #CrazyRichIndonesians.

Source: AsiaOne

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