
International Symposium in Selçuk Üniversitesi: The Good Relations between Türkiye and Indonesia

International Symposium in Selçuk Üniversitesi: The Good Relations between Türkiye and Indonesia
From left : Lutfi Ramiz, R. Hikmat Moeljawan, H.E Prof Mahmut Erol Kılıç and Dr. Murat Cemrek

Türkiye and Indonesia have good diplomatic relations until today. If we look at the media, there are many Indonesian praising President of Türkiye Recep Tayyib Erdogan. Acknowledging that euphoria, Indonesian Students Association in Türkiye (PPI Turki) and Indonesian Association in Konya (PPI Konya) conducting international symposium discussing the relations between Indonesia and Türkiye at 31st January 2019.

This symposium held at Selçuk Üniversitesi, one of the most recommended university in Türkiye located in Konya province. At the opening session there were 3 Indonesian cultural performances, Tari Topeng from Indonesian Students Association in Samsun, Tari Tarek Pukat from Indonesian Students Association in Kayseri and Angklung from Indonesian Students Association in Konya (Indonesian bamboo instrument). Continued with Vice Rector of Selçuk Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr Ahmet Kagan Karabulut's speech. In his speech, he express his gratitude towards this symposium and talked about the good relations between Indonesian Students and Selçuk Üniversitesi. 

Angklung Performance from PPI Konya
Angklung Performance from PPI Konya


In this symposium there are three speakers. First, charge d'affaires ad interim, Mr. R. Hikmat Moeljawan. He talked about the cooperation between Türkiye and Indonesia which was established since 1950. Türkiye and Indonesia has bilateral forum in which there are 20 bilateral documents about cooperation in that forum. Moreover, Indonesian National TV station (TVRI) has Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Turkish national television TRT.

President of Indonesia Joko Widodo and President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan had done presidential visit in 2015 and 2017. the Investation of Energy Geotermal Power Plan in Gereudong mountain has reached USD 1 billion. In education sector, Türkiye has approximately 1200 students from Indonesia. Furthermore, Marmara Universitesi in Ankara also has cooperation with Hasanudin University in Makassar. In defence sector, both countries have agreement to increase cooperation for defence and security such as Kaplan Tank.

Vice Rector of Selcuk University, Prof. Dr Ahmet Kagan Karabulut, Delivering a speech and gratitude for this event.
Vice Rector of Selçuk Üniversitesi, Prof. Dr Ahmet Kagan Karabulut, Delivering a speech and gratitude for this event.

The second speaker, the ambassador of Türkiye for Indonesia H.E Prof. Dr. Mahmur Erol Kilic. In his perspective Indonesia is good at preserving its culture and he hopes Türkiye and Indonesia can develop a good cooperation in every field. The philosophy of “unity in diversity” which is believed by Indonesia can be a great power. The similarity of religious background between Indonesia and Türkiye can be a power for both countries to make a better cooperation. Thus this matter also can be a power to face threats considering both countries have great number of Muslim population.

charge d'affaires ad interim, Mr. R. Hikmat Moeljawan
charge d'affaires ad interim, Mr. R. Hikmat Moeljawan

The third speaker, Prof. Murat Cemrek as the Head of International Relations Major of Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi shares his knowledge about Türkiye’s foreign policy and education development in Türkiye for the last 17 years. In his session he belief that Türkiye’s education shall adapt to fast-changing world.

Of the three speakers, they shared the opinion that to become a great nation was not only related to economic figures but the most important thing was the mindset of all its citizens. Especially for Indonesian students studying in Türkiye, this is an excellent opportunity to broaden their views on the world and have a better understanding of the situation around them.

This symposium marks a good relations between Selçuk Üniversitesi and Indonesian Students Association in Konya, also Türkiye and Indonesia’s relationship.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

There are approximately 200 students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Burundi and Türkiye.  Along with international students, there are Police Attache of Republic of Indonesia in Ankara Kombes Pol. Oktavianus Marthin, Defense Attache Republic of Indonesia in Ankara Col. Inf. Sjaiful Thalib, Indonesia’s Embassy Political Function 3, Nur Hidayat, Social and Cultural function of Embassy of Republic Indonesia in Ankara, Hafid A. Santosa, Consul General of Republic of Indonesia H.E Herry Sudrajat, Social and Political function of Consul General Republic of Indonesia Iwan Wijaya Mulyanto, General Manager of Koski and International Relation

Chairman of Event, Adli Hazmi giving welcoming speech
Chairman of Event, Adli Hazmi giving welcoming speech


Department of Konya Belediye as its representative, Ercan Uslu and Selim Yucel Gulec, International Relation Department of  Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı (YTB) Servet Turan.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

This symposium is supported by YTB, Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Ankara, Consulate General Republic of Indonesia in Istanbul, Koski, Konya Belediyesi, Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi and Selcuk Universitesi

Adli Hazmi

International politics enthusiast contact me by instagram : adli_hazmi
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