
Heroes Behind Indonesian General Election

Heroes Behind Indonesian General Election
Delivering the Vote Box for the General Election (Source :

Indonesia is having general election which if we see in the media there are many news about it. Indonesians give their vote to choose their representative and president. There are massive report about both candidates (President candidates) that we can see it on the news.

Recently, there are reports that many people have passed away due to exhausted. Around 20 people have lost their life due to overwork to accomplished their tasks in this general election.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)
Struggling with horse for the general election (source :

To understand why general election in Indonesia is quite difficult  and complex  we have to acknowledge that Indonesia is a big country with thousands of Islands with more than 192 million people vote in all over Indonesia. Sadly, not all places have good infrastructure. Some of the regions are difficult to reach and requires extra effort using boat, walking and others.

What we have to know is the committee working amazingly to facilitate this election. Even more, the vote counting requires energy and details. Some people are working literally 24 hours to collect the data and fulfill the paperwork.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

The general election in Indonesia was held in the single day at 17th April 2019, which mean in the same time, same second they have to work continuously from the beginning till the final data collected.

They are the truest heroes in this general election even though some people in social media say that they are getting paid and it is their job. But we have to aware that there are no money is valuable enough to be exchanged with life.

The Lowy Institute, an Australian think-tank, calls it “one of the most complicated single-day election in global history”, quoted from BBC News.

In other words, Indonesia is doing what many countries aren’t  capable yet.

Their sacrifice, struggle and effort to facilitate this general election are the truest form of nationalism. 

Thank you for your service heroes!

Adli Hazmi

International politics enthusiast contact me by instagram : adli_hazmi
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