
Named a suspect, Indonesian Minister apologises to Presidents Jokowi and Prabowo

Named a suspect, Indonesian Minister apologises to Presidents Jokowi and Prabowo
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Edhy Prabowo, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries apologized to President Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto, General Chairman of the Gerindra Party, after being called a KPK suspect.

First, I apologize to the President. I have betrayed his trust in me," Edhy continued, "I Apologize to Pak Prabowo Subianto, my teacher, a mentor who has taught many things,"

Edhy also apologized to his mother on that occasion. "I apologize to my mother, who I am sure that today watching TV, I beg that in her old age, she will remain strong," Edhy said.

The anti-corruption commission, called by its acronym KPK in Indonesia, said Prabowo is suspected this month of collecting at least 3.4 billion rupiahs (US$240,000) from a variety of companies through his two personal assistants, who were also named as suspects.

Just before midnight, another KPK deputy chairman, Nawawi Pamolango, told a news conference that Prabowo and his wife had spent some of their money on buying branded goods during their visit to the United States, including a Rolex watch and Louis Vuitton bags.

A ban on exports of lobster larvae set in place by his predecessor was rolled back by Prabowo earlier this year. The decision prompted outrage over environmental issues from his predecessor and activists.

President Joko Widodo claimed that he respected the anti-corruption commission's decision to arrest Prabowo.

Widodo told reporters, "I believe that the KPK works in a transparent, open, and professional way." "The government consistently supports efforts to eradicate corruption."

When found guilty, Prabowo faces up to 20 years' imprisonment. When it comes to fighting corruption, it could ruin Widodo's reputation further. Two previous Widodo Cabinet members have already been sentenced in corruption cases to jail terms.

Former Social Affairs Minister Idrus Marham was sentenced to five years in a bribery case linked to a coal-fired power plant project on Sumatra island, while former Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi received seven years after he was found guilty of personally exploiting a National Sports Committee grant.

Prabowo, formerly a competitor of Widodo's party, is the deputy chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party, or Gerindra. In November 2019, he entered the Cabinet as part of an alliance forged after the election of Widodo to a second term, along with the party's leader and former rival of Widodo in the 2019 presidential election, Prabowo Subianto, who currently serves as Minister of Defense.

Source :CNN news

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