
10 new Amazon Web Services local zones in six countries

10 new Amazon Web Services local zones in six countries

The necessity for low latency – the time it takes for data to transfer from one place on a network to another – becomes even more crucial as the global digitization movement increases and the applications enterprises build to fulfill customer demand become more spread. 

Organizations can improve the speed of their applications, handle massive amounts of data faster, and increase productivity by lowering latency.

To fulfill this demand and offer cloud technologies closer to more customers, the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) region has announced plans to expand their infrastructure investments by launching ten new AWS Local Zones across six countries.

AWS Local Zones will launch in Australia (Brisbane and Perth), India (Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata), New Zealand (Auckland), the Philippines (Manila), Thailand (Bangkok), and Vietnam (Hanoi) during the next two years, reaching hundreds of millions of end-users.

AWS has established an incredible global infrastructure that covers 26 geographic areas and 84 Availability Zones (AZs) around the world over the last 15 years. AWS Regions are located in Singapore, Sydney, Mumbai, Osaka, Tokyo, Seoul, and Jakarta, with more investments in Auckland, Hyderabad, and Melbourne planned.

The need for sophisticated cloud computing and data abilities in APJ is predicted to triple by 2025, according to recent study performed by AlphaBeta and commissioned by AWS. This is the largest rise forecasted across all digital skill competencies.

In the Asia Pacific Region (APAC) – which includes Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, and India – computing in the cloud is five times more energy-efficient than on-premises data centers, according to a report by 451 Research, a division of S&P Global Market Intelligence, and moving computing workloads from on-premises data centers to the cloud can reduce organizations' carbon footprint by more than 78 percent.


Source: Business Today 

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