
Beating Singapore, Indonesia Is the Best Place for Expats 2022 in Southeast Asia

Beating Singapore, Indonesia Is the Best Place for Expats 2022 in Southeast Asia
Daniel Reche/Pixabay

Expatriates mainly value the simplicity of settling in and their money in the top destinations of 2022.

Mexico, Indonesia, and Taiwan are chosen as the top three locations to live and work, according to data collected by InterNations from 12,000 expats in 52 locations. Veteran expats evaluate these locations highly for their quality of life and ease of settling in, for example.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

Indonesia performs best in the Ease of Settling In Index, placing second overall in the Expat Insider 2022 survey: 90 percent of expats (vs. 66 percent internationally) say Indonesians are kind in general and nice to foreign residents in particular (vs. 65 percent globally). Compared to 27 percent globally, nearly half (46%) even believe they could not be any kinder to foreigners.

Eighty percent of expats feel at home in Indonesia thanks to a strong personal support system (66 percent pleased vs. 59 percent globally) and a terrific social life (77 percent happy vs. 56 percent globally) (vs. 62 percent globally).

The Ease of Settling In (1st) and Personal Finance (3rd) Indices show that Indonesia performs best; over two-thirds (64 percent) of expats think that their disposable household income is more than enough to live comfortably (vs. 45 percent globally).

The language (6th) and housing (2nd) subcategories of the Expat Essentials Index give the nation its sixth-place ranking among the best in the world. Housing is simple to find (84 percent vs. 54 percent internationally) and affordable in Indonesia (74 percent vs. 39 percent globally).

It performs pretty mediocrely in the Working Abroad Index (28th), but the Quality of Life Index gives it its poorest ratings (41st). Expats are dissatisfied with the infrastructure for automobiles, the quality of medical treatment (28 percent vs. 14 percent globally), and the availability of green goods and services (35 percent vs. 17 percent globally) (40 percent vs. 13 percent globally). 91 percent of foreigners living in Indonesia are content with their lives overall.

Expats who have lived in Singapore for a while report that it is simple to deal with the government there (63 percent) and to create a local bank account (81 percent).

Additionally, they are satisfied with the accessibility of all necessary healthcare services (84 percent), the safety of the nation (97 percent), and the availability of public transportation (97 percent) (99 percent ).

However, long-term residents of Singapore are "unhappy" with the country's overall cost of living (although close to nine in 10 feel that their disposable household income is enough or more than enough to lead a comfortable life). Other, more minor types of misery result from things like locals being unpleasant to visitors (22 percent ).

In tenth position, 73% of foreigners are content with their lives in Singapore.

Singapore and Malaysia can also be part of the destinations to consider as the Little Red Dot takes a respectable 10th position, with its neighbor included in the top 20. Vietnam and Thailand are ranked side-by-side at 7th and 8th, while the Philippines falls short of the top 20 in the 21st spot.



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