
1st in The World, Malaysia Ban Smoking & Vaping Like New Zealand

1st in The World, Malaysia Ban Smoking & Vaping Like New Zealand
Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Malaysia is about to become the first nation to outlaw smoking and vaping for those who were born after 2005. A generational endgame cigarette law is about to go into effect.

The Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill was passed by the Cabinet on July 13, 2022, according to Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

"The cabinet yesterday passed the tobacco measure. We'll present it to the legislature for this session "Khairy was quoted by the New Straits Times as stating.

Any person born after 2005 is not permitted to purchase cigarettes, tobacco, or vaping supplies under the Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill. Sorry to those who are considering switching to vaping.

The Tobacco and Smoking Control Measure 2022 was introduced for the first reading in parliament on Wednesday, and health minister Khairy Jamaluddin stated he anticipated the bill would be discussed and approved during the current session, which ends on August 4.

Before Cabinet approval, those born on or after January 1, 2007, won't be permitted to smoke, purchase, or own any tobacco products, even after they turn 18 years old, according to Bloomberg. The proposal forbids retailers and distributors from offering such products to customers in that age bracket.

Finally, on 13th July 2022, The Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill was approved by the Cabinet. 

The proposed Tobacco and Smoking Control bill includes provisions that would make it illegal to sell cigarettes, tobacco, and vaping supplies to those who were born after 2005.

The people who are subject to the restriction cannot purchase smoking items from traders or cigarette vendors.

Malaysia become the first country in the world to enact tobacco generational endgame legislation if the law is approved by the Parliament.

The expense of treating smoking-related disorders in Malaysia, such as lung cancer, heart problems, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, would rise to RM8 billion (US$1.8 billion) by 2030 if the law were not passed.

Malaysia May Join New Zealand in Effort to Ban Tobacco Sales

Malaysia is considering a ban on smoking and the sale of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, joining New Zealand lawmakers in a once-unheard-of move against one of the most common causes of death worldwide.

A similar proposal was made in New Zealand to forbid the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after 2009. The Generational Endgame is started, Khairy wrote in a tweet about the action, referring to his Generational Endgame project that aims to reduce cigarette usage.

By instituting a continuously rising purchasing age, the government hopes to foster a generation free of tobacco use. This will prevent youngsters from ever being able to buy cigarettes legally.

The new laws, which were discussed in parliament, are thought to be a first in the globe, and they have elicited a mix of praise for their inventiveness and reservations about how well-tested they are.

They would also significantly lower the amount of nicotine in cigarettes, limiting their availability to specialty tobacco shops rather than corner stores and supermarkets, and raise the smoking age.

The law is currently in the first reading and has almost unanimous support from all political parties to advance to the select committee, the stage of the legislative process where MPs hear from experts and the public. In 2023, the law is anticipated to take effect. The regulations only apply to tobacco products; vaping is still permitted.

Malaysia's government moving faster than New Zealand. The law will be coming in 2023 next after Malaysia on 2022.


Source:,,, New Straits Times 

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