
Southeast Asia's Peace Rank in the Global Peace Index 2022

Southeast Asia's Peace Rank in the Global Peace Index 2022

The Global Peace Index (GPI), which rates 163 independent states and territories based on how peaceful they are, is in its sixteenth edition. The GPI, created by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), is the most often used indicator of world peace. The trends in peace, its economic importance, and how to create peaceful communities are all covered in this research in the most thorough data-driven examination to date.

The GPI measures the state of peace across three domains: the level of societal Safety and Security; the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict; and the degree of Militarization. It covers 163 countries, representing 99.7% of the world's population, and uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly regarded sources.

So these the index and rank for Southeast Asia' countries: 

Singapore - 1.326 - 9

Malaysia - 1.471 - 18 

Vietnam - 1.786 - 44

Indonesia - 1.8 - 47 

Laos - 1.809 - 51 

Cambodia - 1.882 - 62

Thailand - 2.098 - 103

Philippines - 2.339 - 125

Myanmar - 2.631 - 139

For the third year in a row, Singapore continues to rank as the second-most tranquil country in the Asia-Pacific. Between 2021 and 2022, Singapore made great advancements in the militarization area, particularly in the exports of nuclear and heavy weaponry as well as weapons.

With a 4.6 percent increase in its score, the Philippines had the sixth biggest increase in peace in the 2022 GPI. The nation is now ranked 125th overall after moving up four spots in the GPI rankings. The Philippines made gains in all three areas, with the safety and security and ongoing conflict areas seeing the biggest gains.

The homicide rate and political terror indicators saw the biggest improvements in 2022, making the Safety and Security sector the most improved. Homicide rates in the nation dropped 16.7% in a single year, and they are presently at their lowest point since the GPI's creation. Similar to this, political terror decreased by 11.1% in the Philippines.

The Philippines has made progress in the area of ongoing conflict, with a 15.5 percent decrease in the number of fatalities from such conflicts. Despite this improvement, the indicator for internal conflicts fought significantly worsened, with an increase of 3.2% noted in 2022.

Due to a significant increase in the Philippines' spending for UN peacekeeping efforts and a lower increase in its nuclear and heavy weapons indicator, the militarization domain saw a little improvement. In spite of this, the Philippines saw a significant decline in military spending as a percentage of GDP, with a 15.5 percent drop in the nation's score.

Thailand had the second-highest improvement in the GPI 2022 score in the region and got its best score since the GPI's inception. Thailand is currently ranked in the top 100 most peaceful countries in the world, with improvements seen in all three areas. This follows a time of considerable unrest that coincided with the COVID-19 epidemic and culminated in anti-government protests in 2020 and 2021.

As Myanmar dealt with the effects of a military coup in early February 2021, the country had the biggest decline in peace in the Asia-Pacific region. The coup continued to have a negative impact on the country's peace in 2022, leading to significant increases in civil unrest and violent crime.

Positive Peace evaluates a nation's ability to achieve and maintain high levels of peace, as determined by the GPI, as a barometer of societal resilience. High levels of peace also produce a socioeconomic dividend that encourages resilience and progress. The primary means by which societies prosper is through this systemic virtuous cycle.

Most nations that operate peacefully will also experience high levels of positive peace. As a result, nations that perform well in the GPI also frequently perform well in the PPI. Those who, on average, score low on the GPI's peace index will also score poorly on Positive Peace's assessment of social resilience. Due to this, it is important to compare a country's PPI and GPI rankings when evaluating its performance.

This isn't always the case, though. Some countries may function at a higher degree of peace but lack the socioeconomic advancement necessary to maintain it. A PPI rank that is considerably lower than the equivalent GPI rank is how this expresses itself. These countries allegedly have a deficit in positive peace.

A culture may be lacking in positive peace for a variety of reasons. Even in the lack of highly developed levels of economic success, education, and technology, some cultures have a tendency to be more conciliatory and peaceful, and they may create peaceful communities. Malaysia and Bhutan are two potential instances of such a country. This kind of shortfall is uncommon, though.


Source: Global Peace Index (GPI) Report 2022 

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