
Southeast Asian Countries Are Recognized as the Runner Up for the Best Island to Visit in 2022

Southeast Asian Countries Are Recognized as the Runner Up for the Best Island to Visit in 2022

Travel is now starting to pick up again in many parts of the world after a pandemic-induced lull. Where are individuals eager to visit on their next holiday after waiting years?

This graphic highlights the top 25 islands to visit worldwide using survey data from Travel + Leisure (T+L) magazine.

Methodology of the World’s Best Awards

Prior to continuing, it is important to summarize the approach and provide a quick explanation of how T+L put its findings together. T+L runs an annual global survey to identify the best travel experiences around the world.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

Readers were asked to assess a variety of items in the survey, including their top islands to visit. Islands were evaluated according to a few criteria, such as:

- Activities and sights
- Natural attractions and beaches
- Food
- Friendliness
- Overall Value

A score of outstanding, above average, average, below average, or terrible was assigned to each category. The average scores for all categories were then used to compute each island's final score. We'll get into the ranks for 2022 based on these scores below.

Due to its breathtaking natural beauty, rich culture, and wide choice of outdoor activities including trekking, surfing, and scuba diving, the island of Bali, which is part of Indonesia, is ranked third on the list. It is renowned for its traditional dance performances, music, and art. Visitors have the opportunity to learn more about Balinese Hinduism because it is the only province in Indonesia that is primarily Hindu.

Europe is ranked first by area and has seven of the top 25 island destinations. With six islands in the top 25, Southeast Asia comes in second place.

The data demonstrates that most of the islands rank well due to their stunning beaches and abundant marine life.

On the list, there are a few anomalies, though. Mackinac Island, which is well-known for its historical features, is a good illustration of an outlier (Mackinac Island is home to a colonial fort built in the 18th century).

These rankings make one thing abundantly clear: Whether you're a diver, a history buff, or a foodie, a number of world-class island destinations offer an unforgettable experience.



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