Ipsos, a global research company, publishes an annual report called "What Worries the World," which examines the top concerns of people in different countries around the world. The report is produced every month and examines the most important social and political issues affecting society. It is based on a survey conducted in 29 countries with more than 25,000 respondents aged 16-74. The latest report, published in April 2023, highlights the main concerns of people around the world, providing valuable insights into global attitudes and highlighting the most pressing issues facing society today.
Inflation is one of the top concerns for people around the world, according to Ipsos' April 2023 update. Ipsos also conducted a survey in partnership with the World Economic Forum, which found that seven in 10 people (69%) expect inflation to continue to rise in 2023. Inflation has been the top global concern in the Ipsos report since March 2023, and remains a significant concern in April 2023.
Inflation is currently the top global concern, as evidenced by the fact that it has been the top concern in the What Worries the World survey for 13 consecutive months. It was selected by 41% of respondents as the most pressing issue affecting their country. Inequality, crime and violence, unemployment and corruption round out the top five concerns. In addition, a large number of respondents, 64%, believe that their country is headed in the wrong direction.
According to the latest survey, conducted in April 2023, there has been a 2pp increase in the number of people who believe their country is heading in the wrong direction. Nearly 64% of the world's population hold this view, up 4pp from the beginning of the year. On the other hand, only 36% believe their country is on the right track. The Asia-Pacific region is the most optimistic, with Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia leading the way at 83%, 72% and 62% respectively.
Causes of inflation in 2023 include pandemic-related economic disruptions, supply chain issues, fiscal and monetary stimulus provided in 2020 and 2021 by governments and central banks around the world in response to the pandemic, and price increases. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, making it harder for people to afford basic necessities such as food, housing and healthcare, and can lead to higher interest rates, which can slow economic growth and increase unemployment.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has lost its grip on global concerns, ranking 17th out of 18 concerns on the list. Access to credit is no longer a concern compared to previous years. Surprisingly, this is the lowest level of concern about the pandemic since it was added to the What Worries the World survey in 2020.
The report shows that only 6% of people worldwide consider coronavirus to be their country's top concern, ranking it 16th out of 18 concerns. This is likely due to the fact that by April 2023, the world had made significant progress in controlling the spread of the virus through vaccination and other measures. As a result, the public's attention has shifted to other concerns such as the economy, inflation and climate change, which are seen as more pressing issues at the time. The Ipsos report provides insight into the concerns of people around the world and can be used to inform policymakers and organizations about the most important issues facing society.
Ipsos. (2023). What Worries the World - April 2023
Ipsos. (2023). What Worries the World - March 2023
Alifah, Nabilah Nur. (2022). Inflasi Jadi Isu Utama Kekhawatiran Negara-Negara di Dunia. Goodstats.id
Ipsos. (2022). Survei Ipsos: Kekhawatiran Terhadap Pandemi Mereda, Inflasi Bayangi Konsumsi Masyarakat.
Ipsos. (2023). Ipsos Update - April 2023
Cohen, Patricia. (2022). How Inflation Became a Global Problem. New York Times