
The Tropical Treasure of Southeast Asia: Mangosteen, the Queen of Fruits

The Tropical Treasure of Southeast Asia: Mangosteen, the Queen of Fruits
Image by Unsplash/Art Rachen

Have you ever tasted the fresh deliciousness of pineapple? Or the melt-in-your-mouth sweetness of rambutan? What about the delicate sensation of papaya? A simple question, but how many of you have actually explored this rich and tantalizing world of tropical fruit flavors? Let's see how many of these wonders of nature have ever greeted your palate.

Of the many tropical fruits, have you ever tasted the mangosteen? If not, you have never enjoyed one of the most exotic fruits of the tropics.

In fact, the idea has been around for centuries. European explorers discovered the fruit of this small purple tree in Southeast Asia, where they described it as a tantalizing blend of lychee, peach, strawberry, and pineapple flavors. 

The nickname "Queen of Fruits" was given to the purple mangosteen around 1903 by David Fairchild, an American plant explorer and botanist. The name is still recognized today, especially after Fairchild immortalized the term "the Queen of Tropical Fruits" in his 1930 book, Exploring for Plants.

Unfortunately, the mangosteen fruit is prone to spoilage, leading to the story that Queen Victoria supposedly offered 100 pounds sterling to anyone who could bring her the fruit. Whatever the truth, the rumor was enough to cement the mangosteen's nickname as the "Queen of Fruits.

The mangosteen's origins can be traced to the Sunda Islands, which are now part of Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Timor Leste. The mangosteen is characterized by a hard, dark purple rind that protects the white fruit.

The fruit, which is Thailand's national fruit, has a soft, fresh, and smooth texture, while its flavor is intriguing with a combination of sweetness and a slight tang. Not only delicious when eaten on its own, but the mangosteen is also often used in various culinary creations such as baked dishes, salad mixes, puddings, smoothies, tea, or ice cream, adding an exotic touch to any dish.

In addition to its deliciousness, the mangosteen offers a number of health benefits. The fruit is low in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol. In addition, mangosteen is rich in fiber and vitamin C, which is good for the immune system and prevents anemia. Mangosteen is also rich in minerals such as copper, manganese, magnesium, and potassium, which are good for supporting heart health and blood pressure. In addition, the fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties, but it must be consumed at least twice a day for maximum effect.

Unfortunately, you can't get mangosteen whenever you want because it's a seasonal fruit. Mangosteen trees can produce fruit twice a year, and fruit production ranges from 50-100 per tree, depending on the age of the tree. The older the tree, the more fruit it will produce. However, the mangosteen tree takes 7 to 10 years from planting to producing fruit, but the tree can live for more than 100 years in its natural habitat.

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