
Have You Ever Heard of "Durian Gundul"? The Thornless Durian from Indonesia

Have You Ever Heard of "Durian Gundul"? The Thornless Durian from Indonesia
Image by Mongabay

Durian lovers and hunters, have you ever heard of Durian Gundul?

Durian Gundul, also known as "Buah Gundulan (or Bald Fruit in English)", is a unique variety from the Lombok region of West Nusa Tenggara. What makes this fruit stand out is its lack of thorns, which makes it easier to handle after harvest. This thornlessness is not the result of cutting the thorns after harvesting, but rather a natural characteristic of the fruit.

At first glance, you might think you're looking at a breadfruit, but when you split it open, you'll be surprised to find that it's actually a durian. 

It is about the size of a melon and weighs about 800-900 grams. The skin is brown and hard like a typical durian, as is the flavor. When ripe, Durian Gundul emits a tantalizing durian aroma. Although thornless, the flesh is still delicious and sweet with a sugar content of around 14-15 degrees brix.

Personal documentation of Dr. Mohammad Reza Tirtawinata R&D at Mekarsari Fruit Park

This rare variety of thornless durian was first discovered in 2007 in a hidden area in Trenggaluh hamlet, Batu Mekar village, Lingsar district, West Lombok. Its ability to adapt to a variety of environments has made it a target for development in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and other regions in Indonesia.

According to the official website of the West Lombok Regency Government, Durian Gundul is the only species in the world. This discovery cannot be separated from the contribution of a durian hunter, M. Reza Tirtawinata, who at that time was the head of the research and laboratory department of Mekar Unggul Sari Ltd, Cileungsi, Bogor.

At that time, Reza heard from the head of the Seed Certification Center for Food Crops and Horticulture of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Ir Abdullah Karim, that there was a durian whose skin had no thorns. Upon hearing this report, Reza decided to fly to Lombok to the village of Batu Mekar to prove the existence of this durian.

This durian tree was found in the village of Batu Mekar, Lobar, on the edge of the forest that is part of the protected area of Mount Rinjani. The age of the found tree reached 15 years, with a height of about 15 meters. Although it grows among other trees, this tree has similar characteristics to ordinary durian, such as its trunk and leaves. The only thing that distinguishes it is the round and thornless shape of the fruit.

This bald durian is actually the result of a natural mutation that makes it thornless on its skin. Although the variety is rare, the Mekarsari Tourism Park in Bogor has successfully cultivated it. Through vegetation techniques such as grafting and transplanting, this rare plant has been successfully propagated and seeds are even available for sale to interested visitors.

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