
Rising to 10 Billion in 2050: Navigating the Challenges of Rapid Population Growth

Rising to 10 Billion in 2050: Navigating the Challenges of Rapid Population Growth
Credit: Canva (Illustration of World Population)

The world's population reached 8 billion by the end of 2022. This population growth can serve as a driving force for enhancing various aspects, such as development and the economy. However, some groups hold contrary views. Population growth can pose threats and hinder development.

Often, pessimistic views are presented by some groups. These pessimistic views are supported by Malthus's theory, which states that population grows geometrically, while food production grows arithmetically. The large population in a country growing arithmetically implies that the potential for poverty and decreased welfare in the future can occur if population growth is not well controlled.

So, what are the main issues in the rapidly increasing and uncontrolled world population growth? According to Kartomo Wirosuhardjo in his writing titled "Fundamentals of Demography," there are four main components/problems causing the rapid world population growth: births (fertility), deaths (mortality), immigration, and emigration.

These four components are as follows:

  1. Mortality: The death rate occurring within a specific period and place, caused by certain conditions, which may include diseases or other factors.
  2. Fertility: A term used in demography indicating the number of children born alive to a woman. Recently, it has been observed that many young women have married early, allowing them to give birth at a young age.
  3. Immigration (Pull Factors): Factors that attract individuals to a particular area.
  4. Emigration (Push Factors): Factors that compel or force individuals to leave their home area and move to another. This can be observed in communities that migrate.

Currently, the world population continues to grow and is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050. This means that over the next 25 years, the global population will grow by 25% (2 billion people). This, once again, presents a significant challenge for countries worldwide to ensure that welfare and job opportunities are available to the broader society.

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