
Is Viet Nam the New Favorite Destination for Indian Travelers?

Is Viet Nam the New Favorite Destination for Indian Travelers?
Photo by Nathan Cima | Unsplash

Vietnam is renowned for its natural beauty, rich culture, and abundant tourism. These attributes make Vietnam an attractive destination for international tourists, with a steady increase in visitors year after year. One of the countries that has shown a growing interest in Vietnam as a holiday destination is India.

According to the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT), there was a significant surge in the number of Indian tourists visiting Vietnam in the first half of 2024. This increase has surpassed the same period in 2019. The number of Indian tourists vacationing and visiting tourist spots in Vietnam has reached 312% of pre-pandemic levels.

From 2015 to 2019, the number of Indian tourists traveling to Vietnam grew by 26.7%. In 2023, there were 392,000 Indian tourists, marking a 231% increase compared to 2019. This increase in tourist numbers can be attributed to the warm hospitality the local Vietnamese people extended to international visitors. The Vietnamese are known for their friendly demeanor, treating tourists as honored guests and welcoming them to visit their homes.

Vietnam boasts numerous tourist sites and attractions with incredible appeal. This, along with the impressive culinary offerings that suit Indian tastes, plays a significant role in the growing number of Indian tourists visiting Vietnam. Indian tourists also benefit from the convenience of direct flights from India to Vietnam, making it easier to visit and establishing Vietnam as a primary international travel destination for Indian tourists.

Undoubtedly, India can be seen as a promising tourist market. Over the past two decades, the number of Indian tourists has increased by 500%. According to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Indian tourists are known for their loyalty. In 2019, the total expenditure of Indian tourists traveling abroad reached $22.9 billion, and it is predicted to rise to $42 billion by 2024.

This growth should be taken into account by Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries to maintain the vibrancy of their tourism industries and foster good relations with international tourists. This way, tourists will be encouraged to return and enjoy their holidays in these countries again.

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