
Collaborative Mapping for Sustainable Agriculture in Indonesian Village: The DIGIMAP Approach by Universitas Indonesia

Collaborative Mapping for Sustainable Agriculture in Indonesian Village: The DIGIMAP Approach by Universitas Indonesia
The agricultural mapping of Sugihwaras Village using aerial imagery from drones, conducted participatively © Paras Sugihwaras

From May 8-11, 2024, a group of students from the Universitas Indonesia, part of DIGIMAP (Digital Integration for Geographic Information Mapping and Agriculture Planning), conducted participatory mapping activities in Sugihwaras Village, Adimulyo Subdistrict, Kebumen Regency, Central Java. This activity is part of the Community Service Program aimed at enhancing digital-based agricultural planning in the region, focusing primarily on mapping village boundaries and land use.

Paras Sugihwaras Initiative

DIGIMAP is a component of the Paras Sugihwaras initiative, which also includes SMARTMAP (Mapping of Economic Potential and Supply Chain of Village’s Superior Commodities). This initiative aims to develop comprehensive spatial mapping and economic potential of the village to support sustainable development in Sugihwaras Village.

DIGIMAP highlights several issues faced by the community, particularly the lack of understanding of village boundaries and land use. Many villagers are unaware of the importance of mapping for planning and development, especially in agriculture. Therefore, DIGIMAP uses a participatory mapping approach that involves the community in determining boundary lines and land use. This approach aims to raise awareness about effective land management.

DIGIMAP utilizes digital technology, such as GIS websites and ArcGIS Story Maps, to assist the community in managing their land more effectively. These technologies allow for spatial data to be used in planning and decision-making processes, with the expectation of improving agricultural productivity in the village.

Agricultural Productivity and Challenges

DIGIMAP's survey results show that about 90% of the agricultural land in Sugihwaras Village is used for growing rice. During the dry season, farmers switch to planting mung beans. Rice is usually planted twice a year, and if there is a crop failure, planting can be done up to three times. Agricultural productivity varies, with wet harvests reaching about 8 quintals per 100 "ubins" and dry harvests around 3 quintals per 100 "ubins," where one "ubin" covers 14 square meters.

However, farmers face various challenges such as flooding due to reservoir overflow, attacks by rice pests, and irrigation issues that cause drought in May. Additionally, market price fluctuations, limited access to diesel for tractors, and Kartu Tani quota issues also pose problems.

Participatory Mapping as a Solution

Awareness of map concepts was introduced to the students of Sugihwaras Elementary School so that in the future they can understand territory and become familiar with their village environment © Paras Sugihwaras

DIGIMAP helps the Sugihwaras community in mapping village boundaries and land use through participatory mapping methods. This mapping aims to strengthen the community's capacity to manage natural resources and plan land use more effectively. This method allows the community to document and archive valuable local knowledge and advocate for changes to address existing challenges.

The DIGIMAP program is supported by a strong legal framework, including Law No. 4 of 2011 on Geospatial Information and Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages. The program also follows guidelines from the Regulation of the Head of the Geospatial Information Agency No. 3 of 2016 on the Indonesian National Standards for Participatory Mapping.

Public Consultation and Website Launch

Speakers from left to right: Widyawati, Supervisor of Paras Sugihwaras and Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (UI), and Bambang Tulus Wibowo, providing guidance on the progress of UI's community service program © Paras Sugihwaras

From July 22-24, 2024, the DIGIMAP team returned to Sugihwaras Village to conduct a public consultation and launch a dedicated village website as a platform for spatial data management. The community can access the Sugihwaras Village WEBGIS through, as well as the Sugihwaras Story Maps at and the Sugihwaras Village Data Dashboard at This platform facilitates easier access to information about the village profile.

DIGIMAP also provides print and digital guides related to the mapping process, available at The support of digital technology and active community involvement is expected to enhance agricultural productivity and strengthen local food security and economic resilience in Sugihwaras Village.


The participatory mapping activities led by DIGIMAP in Sugihwaras Village demonstrate how digital technology and community participation can create sustainable solutions. Through this mapping, the community is expected to gain a better understanding and utilization of their area's potential and address various agricultural challenges. This program reflects the importance of collaboration among government, academia, and the community in driving positive change at the village level.

The activity was enthusiastically welcomed by the Head of Sugihwaras Village, Bambang Tulus Wibowo. He provided the students with the opportunity to explore the village. Bambang was also pleased because Sugihwaras Village now has a smart map, which includes mapping the economic potential and supply chain of the village's superior commodities. The creation of village maps, including boundary maps, is a top priority in this initiative.

Rafa Sukoco

An Indonesian, born into a multiethnic family, with a passion for traveling, culinary experiences, and delving into history and religion. Enjoying life through listening and sharing stories.
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