
Strengthening Trilateral Ties: Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Hold Joint Military Exercises in November

Strengthening Trilateral Ties: Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Hold Joint Military Exercises in November
Illustration of Joint Military Exercises | Photo by razihusin on Canva

In November, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam will conduct joint military exercises in Cambodia during the annual meeting of the defense ministers from the three countries. The plan for the joint military exercises was announced on September 15, 2024, through Cambodia's Ministry of National Defense.

These joint exercises follow the first "Border Defense Friendship Exchange" in December 2023, held at the tri-border area of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. 

Additionally, they respond to Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Seiha's participation in the 11th Xiangshan Forum held in Beijing, China, from September 12-14, 2024.

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Border Defense Friendship Exchange

The exchange aims to establish a trilateral defense cooperation framework between the three countries. This is symbolized by visits from the defense ministers to the direct border regions at the three junctions: Ratanakkiri Province (Cambodia), Kon Tum Province (Vietnam), and Attapeu Province (Laos). 

The December event marked the first border defense friendship exchange between the three nations.

The upcoming border defense friendship exchange in November is expected to enhance trust among the countries in several areas, including political solidarity, friendship, and tactical cooperation in border protection. 

Furthermore, it aims to foster a spirit of peace and promote unity and friendship through mutual assistance at the governmental, military, and community levels.

According to The Phnom Penh Post, the defense ministers of the three nations have confirmed their participation in the annual defense ministers' meeting and the joint exercises. 

The event will be attended by Lao Minister of National Defense General Chansamone Chanyalath, Vietnamese Minister of National Defense General Phan Van Giang, and Cambodian Minister of National Defense Tea Seiha, who will serve as the host.

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Cambodia Laos Vietnam Development Triangle Area

The close relationship between the three countries dates back to their involvement in the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA), which began in 1999 and was formalized in 2004. 

The CLV-DTA focuses on enhancing connectivity in various fields, especially trade, in the provinces involved in this cooperation.

However, Cambodia's participation in the CLV-DTA has faced criticism and controversy, with calls from Cambodian citizens to withdraw due to concerns about potential territorial losses. Nevertheless, the Cambodian government has firmly rejected these concerns, affirming that Cambodia will remain a part of the CLV-DTA agreement.

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