
Game Changer for Electric Car Ownership: VinFast Indonesia Launches Resale Value Initiative

Game Changer for Electric Car Ownership: VinFast Indonesia Launches Resale Value Initiative
Credit: VinFast

VinFast, a Vietnamese electric car manufacturer, is solidifying its presence in Indonesia through various strategic initiatives. One of these is an innovative resale value guarantee program.

This policy comes as public awareness grows regarding the importance of environmental protection and long-term investment. By guaranteeing up to 73% resale value within three years, VinFast provides peace of mind for consumers who want to ensure their electric vehicles retain their worth.

Why is Resale Value Important?

A YouGov survey across 18 international markets shows that 64% of global consumers consider resale value to be an important factor when choosing a new vehicle. In Indonesia, YouGov found that 78% of adults prioritize resale value when buying a new car, while only 10% are neutral and 4% consider it unimportant.

A study by Xue et al. supports this, showing that a high resale value increases interest in electric vehicles. This underscores that resale value is not just a number, but a key element in the success of the electric vehicle industry.

Recent research by Goetzel and Hasanuzzaman also offers hope for potential electric vehicle buyers, projecting that by 2026, the resale value of electric sedans will be comparable to gasoline-powered cars, alleviating concerns about the higher initial cost.

Although demand for electric vehicles continues to rise amid concerns about batteries and charging infrastructure, Auto Trader reports that electric car prices are starting to decline. However, a surge in electric vehicle supply exceeding demand could pressure resale values, as predicted by Auto Trader.

It is estimated that a £50,000 electric car could lose £24,000 in value over three years, compared to a £17,000 loss for a similarly priced gasoline car. This highlights the importance of resale value for consumers.

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