
Shaping a Sustainable Tomorrow: Highlights from the 4th ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (AICEE)

Shaping a Sustainable Tomorrow: Highlights from the 4th ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (AICEE)
Credit: ASEAN Centre for Energy

The ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (AICEE) returns for its fourth year, taking place in Vientiane, Laos PDR, on September 25, 2024. Led by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Ministry of Energy of Laos PDR, this event supports Laos PDR's ASEAN Chairmanship for 2024, with the aim of advancing the ASEAN Energy Blueprint through cross-sector discussions.

The 4th AICEE is held in conjunction with the 24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF-24) and the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM). Under the theme "Charting ASEAN’s Energy Future for Regional Interconnectivity and Resilience," the conference demonstrates a collective commitment to strengthening ASEAN energy cooperation through the synergy of academia, practitioners, and stakeholders to enhance energy resilience and transition.

AICEE has two main objectives: first, to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing among academics, policymakers, and businesses concerning energy and climate change in ASEAN; and second, to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration in ASEAN to accelerate energy security and transition.

This year's discussions at AICEE focus on the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II: 2021-2025, which serves as a blueprint for the region's energy transition, prioritizing energy security and environmental sustainability.

Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Head of the Energy Modeling and Policy Planning Department at ACE and Chair of the 4th AICEE, emphasizes the conference's significance in shaping the future of ASEAN energy. He asserts that the 4th AICEE facilitates cross-sector collaboration supporting the implementation of APAEC Phase II and energy priorities under Laos PDR's leadership.

With over 250 abstracts submitted, the 4th AICEE will cover key topics, including:

  1. Energy Transition & Emerging Technologies: Focusing on the shift to sustainable energy through new technologies, including renewable energy and innovative energy efficiency solutions.

  2. Security & Accessibility: Highlighting the accessibility of energy networks, cybersecurity and physical security of interconnected systems, and promoting regional cooperation.

  3. Sustainability & Climate: Emphasizing the urgency of sustainability in responding to climate change through emissions reduction, renewable energy adoption, and green infrastructure.

  4. Carbon Pricing & Green Investments: Highlighting the importance of carbon pricing mechanisms and green investments in promoting low-carbon technologies.

  5. Energy & Digitalization: Exploring the relationship between energy and digital technologies, including IoT and blockchain, for efficient energy systems.

  6. Environment & Socioeconomic Factors: Analyzing the multidimensional aspects of energy transition, including energy, environment, economics, policy, and social sciences.

The success of the AICEE conference is attributed to significant contributions from academic partners and host institutions. The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) provides crucial funding, while the National University of Laos (NUOL) serves as the main host. Other academic partners, such as Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation (JASTIP), the Energy Research Institute at Chulalongkorn University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), the National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC), the ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project Phase II (ACCEPT II), and Udayana University, offer valuable support and insights.

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