
Most Influential Economic Power in Southeast Asia, 2024

In 2024, the ASEAN Studies Center at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute conducted an enlightening survey that asked nearly 2,000 respondents from across Southeast Asia to identify which country or region holds the most economic influence in their part of the world. This survey, involving all ten ASEAN member states, provides a fascinating snapshot of how economic power is perceived across the region.

China's Overwhelming Influence

The survey results reveal that China stands out as the dominant economic power in Southeast Asia. Respondents from across the ASEAN nations overwhelmingly recognize China's significant economic impact.

  • In Laos, this sentiment is particularly strong, with 78% of respondents naming China as the most influential economic force. This high level of regard is not surprising, given that China is Laos’ largest foreign investor and its top export market.
  • In Thailand, the perception is similarly pronounced. Here, 71% of respondents view China as the leading economic power, reflecting the robust economic ties between the two nations.

The Role of the United States and ASEAN

The survey also sheds light on the influence of other major economic players. The United States emerges as another key economic force, particularly in several ASEAN countries.

  • In the Philippines, perceptions of economic influence are more balanced. Here, China and the United States are seen as having comparable economic power, with China receiving 31% of the votes and the United States close behind at 28%. ASEAN itself is viewed as influential by 26% of respondents. Additionally, Filipinos show a distinct appreciation for Japan's economic influence, rating it higher (9%) compared to their counterparts in other ASEAN countries.

Japan’s Influence

While Japan does not rival China or the United States in terms of overall economic influence, it still holds a notable position in the regional landscape. In the Philippines, for instance, Japan's economic impact is recognized more distinctly than in other ASEAN nations, highlighting its role as a significant economic player in the region.


The 2024 survey paints a clear picture of economic influence in Southeast Asia, with China leading the pack due to its substantial investments and trade relationships. The varying perceptions across ASEAN countries reveal a complex economic landscape, where the influence of major powers like the United States and Japan also plays a crucial role. Understanding these dynamics provides valuable insight into the shifting tides of regional economic power and the broader geopolitical implications for Southeast Asia.

Rafa Sukoco

An Indonesian, born into a multiethnic family, with a passion for traveling, culinary experiences, and delving into history and religion. Enjoying life through listening and sharing stories.
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