
Indonesia to Open Coffee Shop in Seoul

Indonesia to Open Coffee Shop in Seoul

South Korea is one of the top coffee consumers in the world. At least it’s a must for Kyungjin Lee, the South Korean journalist to drink coffee every day after lunch. She  especially fond of coffee from Java and claims that her taste is shard by many other Koreans.

Indonesia is expanding trade opportunities in South Korea and this time, the move will excite Koreans’ taste buds. Indonesian government was planning to open a coffee shop in South Korea in the next few months. It will be located on the Bojeong-dong Café Street, Gyeong gi province, near Seoul. Space for the shop itself is provided by the South Korean government.

Kyungjin Lee said that people in Korea love going to Bojeong-dong Cafe Street. It’s so crowded, especially on the weekend. So, there will be a good opportunities to open Indonesian coffee shop in Bojeong-dong Cafe.

For the Indonesian government, the figure reflects the vast export potential that coffee has to offer. "As one of the top coffee consumers in the world, South Korea should buy more coffee from Indonesia," Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Anak Agung Gede Puspayoga said.

The Indonesian specialty coffee shop will initially sell coffee beans grown in three cities: Temanggung in Central Java, Denpasar in Bali and Bandung in West Java. Bandung will showcase its Priyangan coffee, Denpasar its version of kopi Luwak — the famous civet coffee and Temanggung its Arabica and Robusta coffee.

Indonesian bakers stand a chance to expand to South Korea as well with an intensive bakery workshop provided by the South Korean government. As it reported from The Jakarta Post, the South Korean government will partner with Indonesian food giant Indofood Sukses Makmur to hold the worksop for SMEs in Indofood’s network.

“Our entrepreneurs will be trained to make bread according to their standards, so that eventually they can be exported to South Korea and meet people’s tastes there,” Puspayoga said.

I Wayan Dipta, the ministry’s assistant for SME studies, said the collaboration in coffee and bread could be the start of a long-term partnership between Indonesia and South Korea.

He said the ministry would immediately form a joint committee comprising representatives of relevant ministries from both countries to identify potential SME products to be promoted further in the future.

Sumber: Jakarta Post

Sumber gambar utama : detik Food

Arifina Budi

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