
These are the New “Bali” of Indonesia

These are the New “Bali” of Indonesia

Having more than 17,000 small and large islands, Indonesia is one of the best archipelago to visit in order to complete your cravenness of  amazing natural beauty such as beaches, forests, mountain, waterfalls, wildlife, culture, history and many more tourism attract throughout the world.

Every year the government allocates significant amounts of funds to develop 60 to 80 tourism sites across the country, with seemingly little impact, as only Bali continues to stands out. Most of tourist are attracted to Bali for its unbeatable charm as the most touristic island on earth.  

A year ago, Indonesian Government Announced ten tourist places that will be the focus of the government into the making of “The New Bali.” In order to develop the tourism potential to these places, government of Indonesia has decided to emphasize the development and boosting of ten new tourist destinations, which is expected to increase the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the country.  


You may need to know this, and put it on your bucket list, immediately.  



Mandalika, Lombok Island

Rinjani Mountain, one of the best to visit in Lombok (
Rinjani Mountain, one of the best to visit in Lombok (

Being so close to Bali, Lombok nowadays is rising up as a tourist destination. With divine beaches, the majestic Mt Rinjani and spectacular marine life to discover, the island of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara has no shortage of attractions both in and out of the water. Whichever way you choose to spend your time you won’t be disappointed with the spectacular natural beauty on offer here.



Borobudur, Central Java


The magnificent Borobudur temple is the world’s biggest Buddhist monument, an ancient site widely considered to be one of the world’s seven wonders. The temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills.  It covers an enormous area, measuring 123 x 123 meters. The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. 



Komodo Island


Home to the living life dinosaur known as Komodo Island is in the East Nusa Tenggara.  The central logic for its wide range of amenities is the extraordinary interest of travelers to the existence of the Komodo dragon, locally called ora, if not for its superb national park that encompasses some 80 islands.



Pulau Seribu, Jakarta


Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands) is not quite a thousand, more like 110 of them. They start just a couple of hundred meters offshore of Jakarta and stretch 45 kilometres out into the Java Sea. Eleven of them have resorts, some are privately owned, 2 are reserved as national parks. Here are diving, snorkeling and fishing opportunities, or just good for lazing in the sun with nothing to disturb one’s mind except the chirping of birds amidst the gentle lapping of the waves.



Mount Bromo, East Java


Mount Bromo is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square km. With its spectacular views and dramatic landscapes. At 2,392 meters tall, Mt Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but its stunning beauty lies in its incredible setting.



Toba Lake, North Sumatera


Toba Lake is about 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 metres deep. A spectacular Indonesia Lake! Toba is one of the awesome natural wonders of the world. This enormous Crater Lake has an island almost the size of Singapore in its center. At over 1,145 square km, and a depth of 450 meters, Lake Toba is actually more like an ocean. This is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest lakes in the world.



Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi


Home to tropical coral reef and colourful fishes. There is an existing luxury, eco diving resort here right in the center of a marine national park. It's known as one of the best diving sites in the world. Wakatobi alone is said to have 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 of world's collection, which, comparing with the two world's famous diving centers, the Caribbean Sea owns only 50 species with 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, in Egypt.



Tanjung Lesung, Banten


Tanjung Lesung is a developing integrated beach resort for recreation and hotels overlooking Mt Anak Krakatu, all that is left of the once mighty Krakatau volcano. Tanjung Lesung offers a perfect place to lay back and immerse oneself in the beauty of nature found along the vast stretch of soft white sandy beaches, clear and calm blue waters, and fresh tropical breezes. The 15 km shoreline is the perfect place for various beach activities such as beach volley, beach football, or just lie down under the indulging sunshine.



Morotai, North Maluku


One of Indonesia's northernmost islands, and known in history as the Spice Islands. The visitors can do diving or fishing in Dodola Marine park which is located in Small Dodola and Large Dodola island. You can also enjoy panoramic views of white sandy beaches along the 16 km. Meanwhile, on the island of Pulau Ngelengele Besar and Pulau Ngelengele Kecil, travelers can pamper themself to a white sandy beach, tropical sun and blue sea.





Belitung is blessed with some of the best beaches of the country. The sand is soft and as white as palm sugar, and some even argue that the sand here is even whiter than that in Bali. Belitung is also surrounded by more than 100 small islands. Almost all of them are decorated with white sand and granite rocks, and only a few are inhabited. 





Somehow, we believed that there are lots of places that could be put into the list of “The New Bali” because of the potential of the island. Here, we put two islands that is highly recommended for you to discover. In the next four years, some of the pristine islands are seeing development activity. You may need to know this, and make sure to put these islands on your bucket list.



 Bintan Island


Bintan is the largest island in the Riau Islands province and one that offers the perfect getaway with its high-end resorts, world-class golf courses, and refreshing coastal atmosphere. A little bit close to Singapore where you can ride a boat for 45 minutes. This island is already popular with number of resorts, including a Club Med. Many Singaporeans loves to visit Bintan for it so close to the country.



Sumba Island


Sumba Island is one of the most culturally fascinating places to visit in East Indonesia. The cultural life of Sumba is famous for spectacular rituals, remarkable peaked houses, huge megalithic graves and ikat clothes. Sumba Island is a relatively small island (11,153 km²) with interior made up of grassy highlands, punctured by deep valleys and low hills. Here’s also a place where the world’s best hotel and world’s best beach hotel, Nihiwatu Resort located. Visiting this island would leave you speechless once you stepp down your feet into the ground!  



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Thomas Benmetan

A Fulltime life-learner who lost himself into book, poem, Adventure, travelling, hiking, and social working. Graduated from Faculty of Communication Science, Petra Christian University. Currently More pursuing his career as a writer and traveller. Less
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