
Indonesia to Lead ASEAN to host the 2034 World Cup?

Indonesia to Lead ASEAN to host the 2034 World Cup? © Gelora Bung Karno main stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Indonesia is interested in leading South East Asian nations' bid to host the 2034 World Cup. The proposal will be discussed with the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) in September, said acting secretary-general Indonesian FA (PSSI), Joko Driyono.

"Indonesia will host the AFF Council Meeting as well as the AFF Awarding Night on 23 September 2017 in Nusa Dua Bali. This will involve the discussion on Indonesia's bid for the 2034 World Cup.

Indonesia will act as the consortium leader in ASEAN, and will discuss the consortium bidding for the tournament. It has been processed as the final bid will be made in 2026," explained Joko, as quoted by Goal.

The World Cup has important role for ASEAN countries. It will realize the dreams of Southeast Asian to accelerate the improvement of football quality, such as facilities and so forth.

It has been confirmed that the 2034 edition will be contested by 48 nations. ASEAN will have bigger chance to host the 2034, since there is an informal rotation policy among the six continents.

"After Africa, it had gone to Brazil, and then Asia. If this continues, the following turn for Asia will be the 2034 edition," he added.

Adriani Zulivan

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